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Sail To The Moon..
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Image Title:  Sail To The Moon..
Favorites: 0 
 By: Stace Walker  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Stace Walker  Stace Walker {Karma:4175}
Project #16 Poetry in Pictures Camera Model Casio QV-R40
Categories Digital
Film Format
Portfolio Photo Projects
Lens -------
Uploaded 4/23/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 425 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Vancouver
Country - United States   United States
About Moon from about 8 O'Clock last night.. PSP & filter.. Thanks for looking :)
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Ryan Greene   {K:3297} 8/24/2004
Stace, been looking through your portfolio, I am impressed with your work. I'm commenting on this one because I seem to have taken an identical photo some time ago. I like the softness of your version. I should probably post mine sometime.


Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 4/25/2004
Thanks Todd, I just might have to do that!



Todd Miller   {K:16464} 4/25/2004
hey stace,
theres only one contemporary band i like more than radiohead, The Beta Band. thom was quite infatuated w/ them for some time, and they are probably the most creative band i've ever heard. check them out-their new album Heroes to Zeroes comes out may 4 and would be a great place to start-it's their most "accessable" album to date.



Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 4/25/2004
A good friend of ours saw them at Red Rocks last summer.. The night that Venus was closest to Earth.. He said it was a very spiritual and yet surealistic experience! I can't wait until their next concert tour..



Todd Miller   {K:16464} 4/25/2004
i saw them in maryland and apline vally. red rocks would be fantastic.


Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 4/24/2004
It's one of my favorites as well.. I can't help but sing it to my boys whenever it comes on (Thom wrote it for his boy, who is about the same age as my oldest)
I just about cried during the whole concert! (especially when it ended haha)
Where did you see them play? We went to the White River Ampetheatre.. but our dream is to see them at Red Rocks..



Taras R. Hnatyshyn   {K:4055} 4/24/2004


For all astronomical bodies, rising is when they ascend above the horizon, and setting is when they descend below the horizon. Sunrise varies by only a small amount each day. The moon rises approximately an hour later each day give or take depending on location on earth and the season, which determine the angle of the moon's orbit to the horizon. The stars rise 4 minutes earlier each day, which is why we see different constellations at different seasons.



Todd Miller   {K:16464} 4/24/2004
lovely shot, lovely song. this is one of my favorites from HTTT. almost cried when i heard it live last summer....


Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 4/24/2004
Thanks :) I guess I'm always confused about moonrise/moonset vs sunrise/sunset.. I always thought that the moon rose as the sun set..

your version is very beautiful.



Taras R. Hnatyshyn   {K:4055} 4/23/2004

This is a few hours before moon set. Moonrise was at about 7:40 AM. Moonset near 11:00 PM.

The border is discracting fron the otherwise dreamy soft focus of the image. Nice shade of blue.

Here is my take on the conjunction of the crescent moon and Venus from January:



Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 4/23/2004
Here are the lyrics to the song that inspired the title:

Sail to the Moon by Radiohead

I sucked the moon
I spoke too soon
And how much did it cost?
I was dropped from moonbeams
And sailed on shooting stars

Maybe you'll
Be president
But know right from wrong
Or in the flood
You'll build an Ark
And sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Sail to the moon

It's such a beautiful song..
Actually, I've always wanted to find an opportunity to put this song into a picture, and last night it finally came around..

Thank you for the comments


Kaan AYDIN   {K:1984} 4/23/2004
i like the blur and the blue, congratulations:)


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 4/23/2004




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