Dan s
{K:839} 6/19/2004
Beautifully done, macro with the texture of the curtains behind the flower? This goes for all your pictures? You?re good at what you do.
And thank you for taking the time to look at my work...
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 6/7/2004
Thanks for the comment Sam.. I've got two new bubs on a lilly plant fixin to bloom. We went shopping this weekend and picked up a "Crown of Thorns" plant, "Holly Hock" and a Small Magnolia Tree with one Bloom. Can't wait to Photograph them...
Sam Andre
{K:12484} 6/7/2004
You deliver a migical shot, despite the modesty of the flower. That's the power of a good shot.
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 6/1/2004
This is a stunner! The colors are wonderful. I like the composition. When Stefanos talks about compression what is that...? Is that what gives this picture the fine blur?
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 5/27/2004
Thanks for the comments. This was one of my first works. I had a SiPix 2.1MP. I've went to a kodak DX3700 to a Kodak DX4900 and now I also have minolta Dimage 5. I'm hoping my photos are improving. I do photo other things and you can see more in my better photo gallery.. http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/dynoGallByMember.asp?mem=48379
The reason for the flowers is my wife and I have grown most of these and they are easy to photograph. Also we send copies home so her mon can see them.
 Playing in Her first snow |
Ned Ali
{K:11928} 5/27/2004
hi Peter .. from the thumbnails of your photos this was striking! i like the colour contrast.
i agree with Stefanos about the agressive compression.
so .. you only shoot flowers?! .. anyway your flowers are beautiful, Peter.
many thanks for your nice comment on my photo:)
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 5/23/2004
beautiful colors and lighting :)
{K:16125} 5/19/2004
really delicate and beautiful... lovely
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 5/6/2004
Hi Peter your attachment photo is stunningly beautiful . I to am just made the plung into digital from film and fine this digital darkroom photograpy a chalenge but love it now that I have switched over. I started with a sony mavica 1000 but found it has a limite in size that you can print and I am only really interested in large prints 16x20 and bigger . I now got a Fuji finePixPro and like it very much as it will acomidate Nikon lenes Cheers Glenn Port Charlotte Fl. sueandglenn@earthlink.net
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 5/6/2004
Thanks for the praise. I've just started loading pictures here. I have quite a few flowers from our garden. I try to record God's work all year. I'm just getting into Digital cameras. I've had about 4 different types in the last 2-3 years. Still searching for a good one "I" can use.... Peter See attachment for an example
 In the Morning Light |
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 5/5/2004
Hi Peter Very nice detail here And soft color Well Done Glenn
Subata Kitano
{K:2717} 5/5/2004
nice first one, these are really beautiful flowers. But the resolution is not the best, try less compression next time :)