Thanks for the comments everyone. As far as I know I don't actually have a style, so I can't really comment on possible departures from it. The legs are simply my admiration for Andre Kertesz, and because I liked the unformal pose in the formal garden. I would certainly have liked the bench and the model to be in open shade but such was not the case, and I'm not as interested in the details on her face here as in the composition and the garden. I've put up another photo today which showcases her face a bit more, shallow depth of field, fill flash and all that.
Kim, By the've got some great, really neat stuff in your portfolio...Which makes this series of photos with Sasha very curious. Seems like these are of a significantly different style than you're used to producing. Any comments? Christopher
A couple of things I see worth correcting... 1) Time of day - perhaps this could have looked a bit more dramatic if the sun were lower and not so harsh. Not sure what direction the sun is coming from, but this looks like it was shot in the 10am-4pm range - it's very hot. 2) I agree with Paul, the pose is unbalanced and contrived. 3) She needs some sort of light on her face, maybe a bounce from a reflector or fill flash. Another option would be to shade her to minimize the heavy shadows on her face and body, bringing out her features. 4) A shallower DOF would bring the focus of the picture to her. I find myself looking more at the arbors than her.
Your model looks to be very attractive, but this photo doesn't showcase her very well. As always, this is my opinion only. More accomplished professionals on this site may suggest that I'm entirely wrong.