svend videbak
{K:7376} 8/18/2004
Excellent excellent excellent. This works. I wouldn't get too hung up on the idea of a "tryptych", though. I don't know why people fasten onto the number 3 when composing multi-image pictures. I guess the word "tryptych" sticks in the mind because it's an odd word. Forget 3, is my point: you can make a picture of this type with four, five, two, ten or a hundred separate images. The point is to think cinematically in terms of movement from (mainly) left to right. That's what you have done here, very well. Rgds, Svend
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/10/2004
Obrigada pelo comentário...acho que você ate foi gentil demais.. para quem nunca viu uma cuia e uma bomba, não dava para distinguir, mesmo... Ah.. eu deveria estar comentando tua composição...rs.. bom, primeiro eu pus em favoritas.. porque adoro este olhar a pequenos detalhes do dia-a dia que ninguém nota.. Depois.. o que falar? compor uma com três, preservando os gaps de tempo e espaço da forma como fez.. puxa.. você é super criativo, além de observador... Abraço, amigo.. Carmem
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/10/2004
Dear Angelo,
good & creative stuff. I personally would place the "mind the gap"-part in the middle and the blurry train on the right. also, I would lighten up the framing a bit - the bold blocks are a bit too heave for me. maybe 60% grey scales?
anyway, great to see that you are looking for new challenges. triptychs are great stuff. will also go for one soon ;-)
take care, Thilo
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/10/2004
Beautiful Tryptich Angelo... Love the movement in the pictures... What I think I would have done maybe is taking a different picture other than havin two with the line and the diamond, or maybe combining them in a different way... Moving mind the Gap to the center...
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/10/2004
grande.. come sempre! eccezionale roby
Ian Crean
{K:14866} 8/10/2004
Makes me smile because it's so well conceived. The three elements are exactly right (so there I disagree with Hugo), Bobby spotted the logical sequence. I wouldn't change it. This is where this kind of camera comes into its own, allowing you to make creative use of the mind numbing hours spent around tube stations. I don't know if this particular idea has ever been done before but you should market it before some pro picks it up, replicates it and makes a mint out of it! Angelo, it surely won't be long before your door is destroyed with publishers knocking for your images. Ian
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 8/10/2004
I love this .I know there are a program that makes it, sort of "Panorama", but never tried.If my memory is still there, "Mind the Gap" is/was a british rock band ,somewhere in the 80?s.Do you know anything about? Regards jorge
Maria Grazia Rapisarda
{K:15898} 8/10/2004
Molto interessante!! Eccellente tris!! Ottima la luce!! Complimenti!!
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 8/10/2004
excellent !!!
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/10/2004
Hi Bobby,
Thanks for visiting.
That is, more or less, the sequence. The one on the left was at a different station/day/tube line.
About the "feet" sequence. Were they looking at me? I don't know. Probably not. Most likely, they were reading a newspaper, or nodding off, or pretending to read the map, or "txtng" on the mobile phone.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/10/2004
If you are serious, I will be over the moon!!! No-one has ever asked...
I can find out the price of a nice frame. Or, if you prefer, I can send you a TIFF file for printing locally.
Mail me: angelo_villaschi@yahoo.com
Bobby Mun
{K:3709} 8/10/2004
Sorry for not giving my comments for the past few weeks, tied up with some work.
Very creative idea, Angelo. 1. Train not arrive 2. Train arriving 3. Train stopped, mind the Gap
Is that the sequence ? I also like those "legs" shot... btw, are those people looking at you when capturing ? :> Good work.
Cheers ! Bobby
Yoshi Enoki Jr
{K:3021} 8/10/2004
Man that is so mind-bogglingly brilliant, I have to ask you -
how much can I buy one from you, framed?
This is just so excellent!
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 8/10/2004
very nice Angelo! i think hugo may be onto something with switching up the compositions a bit. it is a great triptych nonetheless. 'mind the gap' really brings me back to london.
Gianluca G
{K:2004} 8/9/2004
I like it and this is so much the essence of London! Angelo many thanks for all your kind comments. Best regards, Gianluca.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 8/9/2004
Hi Angelo, You're a bit rough on yourself, I think. Fabulous idea, and I do like this triptych, very original and creative work.
The strongest element in the triptych is the motion blur of the train. The different lighting and the heights do not bother me at all. Even stronger, I think it adds a bit to the tension.
I'm not quite sure about the selection of shots, nor of their order. I'd chosen a different composition for the left and middle shot, placing the diamond probably more to the left in the left shot, and more to the right in the middle one. That would've broken the similarity between the two. If possible, I'd try to find another shape / detail, like a drain cover or something without the yellow lines for one of them. The combination of track, moving train and stationary train from left to right works very well, but for some reason, I'd use the shot with the tracks in the middle. Not quite sure why.
Only a few suggestions, but all minor details. It comes down to perception and taste, and there's no aguing those elements.
The composition of the three images in the black frame works very well.
And in order to repeat your remark: Keep 'm coming! This is fascinating! Very good job.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 8/9/2004
Very well presented.
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 8/9/2004
The ideal way is to ensure that the lighting is the same. Much easier on the eye for someone like me who is too lazy to think.The idea is great and I have no doubt that by this time next week you will have it all sorted.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 8/9/2004
Very sharp tryptych. Great creative expression!