Frank Beer
{K:10112} 10/5/2004
Hallo, Herr Dr. Springmann! Zunächst herzlichen Dank für Ihre ausführlichen Zeilen unter meinem Bild, über die ich mich sehr gefreut habe :-)) Sie haben recht, es war unsere 1. Begegnung und ich freue mich über weitere Begegnungen.
Ich habe mich auch schon ein wenig in Ihrem Portfolio umgesehen und habe Ihre Bilder sehr genossen! Leider kenne ich Israel nur aus Erzählungen einiger meiner Freunde, die alle sehr begeistert waren, das Land kennenzulernen. So hoffe ich, durch Ihre Bilder mehr zu sehen und zu lernen.
Wenn ich ein Bild öffne, so interessiert es mich und häufig hinterlasse ich einen Kommentar. Allerdings halte ich meine Kommentare recht einfach und formlos und schreibe schnell, was ich denke.
Dieses Bild erinnert mich an meine Zeit in Wien, das war von 1983 - 85. Wien mag ich sehr und der Fiaker ist wirklich sehr typisch. Das Bild ist eine Bereicherung für das Henri-Projekt.
Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Bilder von Ihnen! Beste Grüße, Frank
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
Thank you again, my dear friend Heifetz, for your comment on my "Street scene in Vienna". I'm glad it brings back such fond memories. Regards, Rafi
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
My dear friend Orazio, I forgot to mention your name in my thanks for yoy coment on my "Street scene in Vianna" Please forgive me, Ciao, Rafi
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
My dear friend Heifetz, I forgot to mention your name in thankink you for your comment on my "Street Scene in Vienna" Please forgive me. Regards, Rafi.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
Thank you, my dear friend, for your extraordinarily generous comment on my "Street scene in Vienna" and your wish that it come first in the Henri project. Unfortunately it was not elected. Ciao, Rafi
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
Thank you for your comment on my "Street scene in Vienna".It seems that Vienna has not changed much in two centuries. Regards, Rafi
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 8/22/2004
The rainy weather , the horses , the whole atmosphere is wonderful.The two bald men are fit for the photo! ps.Could you make it darker?
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/22/2004
This time you outdid yourself in your comment on my "Street scene in Vienna", dear MaLuisa. Thanks. Love and kisses, Rafi
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 8/22/2004
Fantastic street shot. love all the horse and carriages.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/21/2004
Thanks, Zeev, for your comment on my "Street scene in Vienna". Shabbat shalom. Rafi
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 8/21/2004
Excellent Street Scene...Rafi!...Composition, and B&W Tonal Range!...Interest Figures Of the Two Foreground Men!...they Look like Twins..or a Least Brothers...with Their Bald Heads!...and Further Interest of the Man, Checking the time, By His Wrist Watch....7/7!!! Jeff. Regarding the Comment!...Some People are always Looking For Something to Criticise!...You are a Professional Dr!...I would just Modify you Statement to say...."For Details, See... My Email Address!
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 8/21/2004
Another wonderful shot for the Henry project.This is fabolous.Here there it is all the staircase of the grey, from the black deep one to the white one glistening. I Wish and I hope that you can win the prize of the project. Orazio
Heifetz Zhou
{K:1835} 8/21/2004
looks like a 19th-centry photo,hehe,great work
Heifetz Zhou
{K:1835} 8/21/2004
I like this country,full of musician&artists,Kresler,Karajan.your photo looks like 19th-centry Vienna
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 8/20/2004
Excellent street work!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7+
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/20/2004
Beautiful street scene... The tones are really great!!!! Love the lines on the floor and the composition... Great perspective.. You transported me to another dimension...
Besos y Abrazos,
Di Ciuccio Maurizio
{K:57398} 8/20/2004
grandioso questo bw..sembra una foto di anni fa'..eccezionale composizione per uno scatto eccellente..complimenti
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 8/20/2004
Thank you, dear Ingrid, for you generous comment on my "Street scene in vienna". Just for you, I added an attachment.

Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/20/2004
Beautiful Rafi very well composed
Shabat shalom again
Ingrid Mathews
{K:7277} 8/20/2004
One of my very favorite cities in the world, which I had the pleasure of only visiting once, but it was love at first sight (and taste). Great to be able to travel back in time, via memories. A big thanks to you Rafi! Wonderful shot with many great characters.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 8/20/2004
Good b/w subject, a great composition. Those horses look beautiful and patient! Dave.
{K:42404} 8/20/2004
dpwsized in editot???????????? hahahaaha. excellent pic for the henry project my dear friend.Also thanks to this picture I have notice that in Austria is not in fashion to use hair :))
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 8/20/2004
Rafi, great compositie with this Horses Teunis