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Strolling undre the grapes
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Image Title:  Strolling undre the grapes
Favorites: 2 
 By: Zeev Scharf  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Zeev Scharf {Karma:25603}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Niko 18-70 mm
Uploaded 8/21/2004 Film / Memory Type DIGITAL 256 Mb
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 721 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 24 Ratings
Location City -  Upper Galilee
State - 
Country - Israel   Israel
About A nice place to take a little walk and eat some grapes along the river
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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 4/17/2008
Splendid display of colours! The perspective is an irresistible invitation!:):) Warm regards and hugs.


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 9/17/2005
wow,...amazing amazing colors. i cant believe a camera can capture colors so vivid and clear. great job.


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 11/25/2004
Hi, Zeev! Nice angle to capture these beautiful colous.
Cheers, Ana


Rose Martin   {K:4696} 11/2/2004
So inviting. I love the way you've made your photo look like a doorway to this beautiful place


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/28/2004
wow. lovely like a painting!
Kisses, Biliana


Angelika Vulcano   {K:832} 9/27/2004
For me this image is incredibly beautiful, COngratulations and thanks also for your comment!! Ciao!!!


Davide Marchi   {K:9196} 9/11/2004
Le immagini sono delle stupende cartoline, questa in particolare è molto affascinante,
un saluto, Davide


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 9/8/2004
Great sense of perspective... almost stereoscopic. Can imagine the heat, and diving from the shade of one arch to the next, listening to the insects buzz, and reaching up for a few sun-warmed grapes. The colours somehow have that "hot" look. You make me feel almost as if I had been there.


D M D M   {K:79} 9/4/2004
Wonderfull shot,looks like a good place!


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 9/3/2004
Many thanks Diego
I added you to my friends list
Best regards


Diego Ruggiero Diego Ruggiero   {K:10659} 9/3/2004
Very nice geometries and colors, very well done.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 9/1/2004
Such a beautiful scenery Zeev - beautiful colours! Soft and hard elements fitting well together :)


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/31/2004
Many thanks Margaret for your kind remark

Best regards


bart soriano   {K:1660} 8/31/2004
Very lively and vividly colored composition. I like the details, lighting and the DOF. Really great capture Zeev. -- joey


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 8/31/2004
Great shot, I love 'tunnels' of trees etc. It is very different from my rose garden, where the tunnel was very closed in.
Nice composition


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/28/2004
Hi Gabrielle,it was a very hot day ,and the grapes were great
Thanks for your remark


Gabrielle Willson   {K:7978} 8/28/2004
Wonderful - and how were the grapes?


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/25/2004
Many thanks Paolo for your kind remark ,it's a nice place to visit

Best regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/25/2004
Many many thanks Bijite

Best regards


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 8/25/2004
Wonderful perspective e nice place to see and to eat.


Thank you for your kind comment


Bijit Bose   {K:5871} 8/25/2004
7 from me.


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 8/24/2004
wowwwwww... wonderful!! Great shot!


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/24/2004
Many thanks Bea for your critique , we indeed eat some grapes a very nice place

Best regards


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 8/24/2004
Hi Zeev ! a beautiful place to walk through..although i'd be tempted to eat some of those great looking grapes ! nice capture !


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/23/2004
Many thanks Mark,it,s Galilee a vary nice region.
The light was very good that day
Best regards


Sara M   {K:12411} 8/23/2004
Nice place to walk, and to watch.. The composition is lovely with beautiful colours..


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 8/23/2004
This is in Galilee? I'm impressed. It's beautiful. Now I want to visit. Anyway, I like the extreme DOF, which is very appropriate. Colors are very strong, probably due to the low sun. You can't ask for better lighting. Kudos!



Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 8/22/2004
Nice olace ,very beautiful picture.


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/22/2004
Muchas gracias Tony



Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/22/2004
Many thanks Baki


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/22/2004
Muchas gracias Armando

Saludos Amigo


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/22/2004
Helo Rafi I saw your picture of the Jordan river
Beautiful capture.This are is so nice

Best regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/22/2004
Many thanks Maria
Best regards


7+++++++ super pic, composition, perspective, and presentation my friend, congrats


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 8/22/2004
hanks for he infoemation, Zeev. If you go about three weeks back in my photos, You'll find one of the Yarden flowing into the Hula.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 8/22/2004
Beautiful perspective.Nice colors and composition.Work very well done.Congratulation.


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 8/22/2004

Zeev... This is really great!!! Nice DOF!!!! Great perspective... Fine colors... Love it!!! 7++++




Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many many thankseff
Best Regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many thanks Rafi ,the place is by Kibutz Dan
along the Jordan river

Best Regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many thanks Regina for your critique

Best Regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Muchas gracias Tony



Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many thanks alison for your critique.The place is very nice but it was very hot that day

Best regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Mucha gracias Maria,el lugar es muy lindo para pasear.solo que en ese dia hacia una calor horrible alrededor de los 35 grados


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Toda raba Gustavo.
Hamakom maxim ve u nimtzah al iad kibutz Amir
Zu tailet sh orka 1.2 km le orech hayrden


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many thanks Shaeda for your critique,I already cropped the picture but you are right it will look better removing the little piece of distracting sky on the left
Best regards


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 8/21/2004
Beautiful Scenic View...Zeev!...Composition, Depth of Field of View! Brilliant Colour, and Sharpness....Well Presented Zeev...7/7 plus!!!


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 8/21/2004
Thank you for your comment on my "Schoenbrun needs repair"


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 8/21/2004
Welcome home, Zeev. Excellent photo. I saw such wineyards like those in your "Strolling under the grapes" in Kuneitra just after it was captured.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 8/21/2004
magnificent Zeev,

such a colorful surprise!

Thanks for sharing... and Thank YOU for visiting "Motherly Love"!

my Best,


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 8/21/2004
wonderful capture with great perspective and enchanting painting like colors..


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 8/21/2004
Una preciosa imagen


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 8/21/2004
outstanding. great portafolio. in my favorites. 7


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 8/21/2004
Zeev, a beautiful place for a stroll, I love this vine covered archway, and you have captured it in an amazing sunlight. It sounds like you had an ideal afternoon. Alison


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 8/21/2004
Maravilloso sitio para pasear... qué sombra y qué colores!
Buena composicion y buen momento, en cuanto a la luz del sol, para hace la foto.


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 8/21/2004
Excellent compoced, splendid perspective, good color, very good framed.


Shaeda Afshar   {K:111} 8/21/2004
Really cool shot. Nice work. Great colors and perspective. Maybe crop it a little better and see if you can get rid of the corner of white sky on the very left side of the image. I think it's quite distracting.


Anders Skoglund   {K:261} 8/21/2004
Nice Colors and deep!



Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 8/21/2004
Many thanks Dear friend
wish you
Shavua tov


Marco Maresca Marco Maresca   {K:14418} 8/21/2004
Wonderful shot!!


Victor Weiner   {K:490} 8/21/2004
Splendid work - the colours are so vivid, and the perspective is perfect. I'm proud of you!




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