* kees *
{K:2357} 10/25/2004
Very cute. Regards, Kees
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/6/2004
ahahahahahh una mucca maculata come le montagne e pergiunta curiosa.. e che potevi desiderare di più ahahhahahahah. Bellissima
Raffaele Bardelli
{K:3262} 9/9/2004
vedo che anche tu sei un "solitario" della montagna. Saluti
Diego Dotta
{K:3172} 8/28/2004
Very nice shot Lorenzo!! Excellent >> 7
Diego Dotta
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 8/23/2004
Very nice and original composition and view! Greetings.
José Azevedo
{K:9845} 8/23/2004
WOOOOOOW!!!! Pure ecstasy! ;-) )
Jose Azevedo
Lorenzo Parisi
{K:6277} 8/23/2004
No, but I have a pic of her cousin... ;-) Ciao, Lorenzo

José Azevedo
{K:9845} 8/23/2004
So sexy... Haven't you got more sensual images of her?? ;-))
Jose Azevedo
{K:26787} 8/23/2004
AHHAHAhhh ... beautiful and unusual scene! Was the beauty swimming as well? :)