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Under The Sun Of The Tuscany...
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Image Title:  Under The Sun Of The Tuscany...
Favorites: 5 
 By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Roberto Arcari Farinetti  Roberto Arcari Farinetti {Karma:209486}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model Canon EOS 3
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscape
Season's Time..
Magic light..
Lens Canon  28-80 mmf/3.5-5.6
Uploaded 9/7/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Reala
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 2933 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/16
Critiques 107 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Monticchiello
Country - Italy   Italy
About dedicata ad Antonella Nistri, Maurizio Di Ciuccio, Alvaro Poggiani e tutti gli amici toscani..
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Arcari Farinetti

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There are 107 Comments in 1 Pages
Caitlin Carr   {K:245} 6/2/2005
Wow, once again you have captured an amazing sky. I don't ven know if we have skies like that in Illinois...just kidding. I love complementary orange of the field to the blue of the sky and how the tree on the right stands solid and alone, giving the picture a theme. At first glance, the tree even looks like a person admiring the view. Good capture.


Istvan VARKONYI   {K:3770} 12/8/2004
It an amaizing landscape.



Lilywhite Lilith Lilywhite Lilith   {K:1809} 10/22/2004
simple and wonderful. yes, the light...
i love it...
regards, ekkehard


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/21/2004
felice di risentirti..
grazie mille


Paolo Sciacca   {K:1351} 10/21/2004
è uno spettacolo


Marco Donatiello   {K:12147} 10/15/2004
La bellezza della Toscana in un unico scatto!


Omar Rifaat   {K:10141} 10/6/2004
Beautiful composition and lighting. Even though the image is simple it has great drama. Reminds me of the film 'Gladiator'


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 10/4/2004
l'oro della natura, bellissima!


cecilia tovini   {K:29423} 10/4/2004
Che semplicità e che pace! Baci Ceci


Fadel J Fadel J   {K:13974} 9/30/2004
Wonderfull landspace, I love the composition and colors, and what a sky!


Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad   {K:7396} 9/29/2004
Nice landscape


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/23/2004
oh yes.. is fantstic a wonderful place!
also I would want to return here
many thanks


Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego   {K:1213} 9/22/2004
Great picture, I would like to go back there ... Tuscany is simply wonderful !


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/21/2004
Hi Hugo
I am well to part the problems with the PC and the job ...
I am happy when I see many comments on my photographies.
not because I am good, but because I have many friends so!
and it is big joy for me ...
I thank you for the comments and your friendship!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 9/21/2004
very nice landscape.. beautiful


Donna Johnson   {K:9906} 9/21/2004
Wonderful, sunny, light filled scene -- wish I was there!!


Wayne Harridge Wayne Harridge   {K:18292} 9/21/2004
Great sky with good forground detail in the grass.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 9/20/2004
Hi Roby! How're you? As you noticed, I've been away for a while. Lots, and lots of work and other things to take care of, but that'll hopefully change in a couple of days....

Excellent shot, radient tones, and very well captured! Nicely balanced composition.

Incredible amount of comments, too....;)




Amit Saha Amit Saha   {K:3131} 9/20/2004
Excellent prespective in this one, lovely warm colors...another great landscape picture


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 9/20/2004
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBY , sorry for being a little too late:) ALL THE BEST!!!!!!

& birthday-kisses,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/20/2004
ohhh.. I do not exaggerate! I say what I feel.


Lucy Bernadette   {K:5806} 9/19/2004
nice, bright pic!


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 9/19/2004
beautifl worl Roberto!


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 9/19/2004
Un bellissimo movimento fra terra e cielo.



Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 9/15/2004
Excellent Tuscany Landscape...Roberto!...Truly a Classic Genre Scenic View.....!!!

Thank you, Roberto! For your Comment For My Picture....Golden Sunlight & Cloud Reflections!


Maria Grazia Rapisarda   {K:15898} 9/14/2004
Che cielo fantastico!!Mai viste tante nuvole così belle!!
Splendida composizione Roberto, stupendo il contrasto ottenuto!!
Una favola la distesa dorata!!
Ciao Maria Grazia


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 9/14/2004
Veramente una stupendo paesaggio ben ripreso, Roby. Ottimo momento di composizione. Mi piacciono i colori ed il disegno delle nuvole è attraente.

p.s. Lol! No non sono io quello del ritratto.
Ah! Auguri di Buon Compleanno... in ritardo.


Paolo Sciacca   {K:1351} 9/13/2004
il tuo stile, molto bella.


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/13/2004
Fascination Italy scenery - composition perfect expression!


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 9/13/2004
Breathtaking view and a beautiful sky!


Giorgio Ciavaglia   {K:361} 9/13/2004
Eh, vedo che anche tu ti sei dato da fare in quel di Toscana. Che paesaggi! E che foto!!!


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 9/13/2004
Gorgeous landscape and I agree with so much spaces for the clouds, they are beautiful.


Efisio Mureddu Efisio Mureddu   {K:13104} 9/12/2004
Molto bella, mi piace parecchio Roby.
Sono incasinatissimo per il lavoro, ma ogni tanto faccio un salto su UF.
Un abbraccio


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 9/12/2004
Good shot Roberto. Very good clarity and quality too for this resolution and lighting conditions.


Aira Manna Aira Manna   {K:11187} 9/12/2004
l'esposizione dell'immagine e' bilanciata in maniera assolutamente magistrale.


Naty Z   {K:16436} 9/11/2004
davvero bellissima, nitida, un paesaggio meraviglioso dai colori stupendi!


Francesca May   {K:6877} 9/11/2004
che pace! =)


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 9/11/2004
Quanto sei carino!!!!!! Grazie infinite del pensiero e naturalmente ti aspettiamo per i prossimi meetings che faremo in Toscana.
Quanto alla foto è magnifica, perfetto equilibrio delle luci,splendida inquadratura,
un bacione!!!!


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 9/11/2004
Amazing vieuw Roby,The glouds are magnificent,Excellent in everyay.Thanks for your comment and your attention to me.
Ciao amigo mio......Riny.


PK- Photos PK- Photos   {K:13099} 9/11/2004
...its a typical toscany-tree and beautiful landscape, would be also a dream for me to visit this landscape one day:) Have you spent your holidays there?
Nice weekend, Pia :)

P.S. thanks for your last comment, but please don't exaggerate so :)))


b y   {K:2671} 9/10/2004
Simply perfect...what else is there to say!

Regards Ed


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/10/2004
Ciao Roby!

Saluti sul tuo Compleanno, Amico!!!



Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 9/10/2004
great landscape


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/10/2004
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/10/2004
grazie saeed.. mi sento onorato!
un abbraccio


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/10/2004


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/10/2004
oh.. many thanks my dear jan..!
i'm happy

ciao roby


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 9/10/2004
Mi associo agli altri amici di Usfilm per augurarti Buon compleanno. Tanti auguri, felicita` e.....scatti! Saeed


Roberto: excelente fotografía, maravilloso paisaje , luz, composicion y Detalles. felicitaciones desde Peru.
PS: gracias por tu comentario a mi fotografia, yo estuve viendo tu portafolio y he apreciado que eres un excelente fotografo. definitivamente esta fotografia ira a mis favoritos para poder entrar a tu portafolio y seguir viendo tus nuevas fotografias. Saludos amigo


B B B B   {K:30983} 9/10/2004
Ciao Roberto,
innanzitutto auguri...non so per quanti anni.., quelli che ti senti! Spero che tu stia festeggiando sotto un cielo meraviglioso come quello di questa tua splendida foto.

Paola LL


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 9/10/2004
Auguri per i tuoi "virtuali" quarantacinque anni!
(Orazio è un mito).


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 9/10/2004
auguri vecchiooooo. ciao salvo


NN  NN     {K:26787} 9/10/2004
Who could resist Tuscany? Gorgeous sky ...


Massimo Pistore   {K:-190} 9/10/2004
Urka...un bel paesaggiocon bei bei colori...che forse potevano essere un "fiatin" più intensi! bel lavoror! massimo!


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 9/9/2004
Happy Birthday !
mio amico


Christian Barrette   {K:21125} 9/9/2004
Great Roby in its translation of the full light. It's a beautiful composition, but what I find most attractive is the light, how it shines for example on the forground stems and in the clouds - this gives a great feeling.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/9/2004
aspetto sicuramente qualche tua foto.. a Pienza ci sono stato ho scaricato un rullino solo lì.. ed è un posto veramente stupendo!
ho tra l'alro preso il pecorino di fossa.. e quello arancione!
a presto e grazie..

ops come non detto ho appena visto le tue miniature!
ciao un abbraccio


Cesare Arigliano Cesare Arigliano   {K:3146} 9/9/2004
Bellissima Roberto!!!!!


Sonia ~   {K:2128} 9/8/2004
Stunning view!! You are so lucky to visit such beautiful places!


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 9/8/2004
A nice gentle curve is captured well in the horizon, and the clouds look great as well -



// // // //   {K:6081} 9/8/2004
Dear roby,


Ahmet Baki Kocaballi   {K:13618} 9/8/2004
beautiful shot Roby,
with a grea tsky and composition


Alex Comaschi Alex Comaschi   {K:1457} 9/8/2004
Alla faccia dello scatto! Complimenti per questo tuo paesaggio che nasce dal nulla e prende una dimensione immensa!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/8/2004
si ok.. volentieri!
a presto


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 9/8/2004
Questa collina dorata è semplicemente bella.....e basta .


Shaeda Afshar   {K:111} 9/8/2004
Beautiful. Great sense of movement created by the low angle, the horizon, and the direction of the clouds. Excellent.


Castillion .   {K:1570} 9/8/2004
Nice dynamic perspective, very simple photo with lot off visual impact... Very well done! Goes to my fav!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 9/8/2004
Bellissima immagine Roberto, straordinario il dettagli, il colore e la composizione.
P.S. La prossima settiman, ti chiamo.!!!


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 9/8/2004
ricca di colori e dettagli - Stupenda immagine - Ottimamente dedicata
Ciao donato


Aykan OZENER Aykan OZENER   {K:5996} 9/8/2004
Excellent!Very natural.


Massimiliano Ingrosso   {K:6591} 9/8/2004
Un bel paesaggio toscano, classico ma ben eseguito
Un taglio panoramico ci potrebbe star bene



Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/8/2004
Dear Roby,

Tuscany at its best ;-)
the combination from foreground and sky is awesome, and I like the twisted horizon here a lot. add some dynamics to the scene. very good classic landscape.
take care,


cessy karina   {K:14205} 9/8/2004
beautiful landscape Robby, very nice shot


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 9/8/2004
Bellissimo paesaggiio ottimamente composto. Un saluto a te e ai tscani. Ciao.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 9/8/2004
Absolutely beautiful my dear Roberto.. sempre bella Italia, ma come e bella Toscanaaaaaaaaa!
wow...devo venire di visitare!!!!
Baci, Biliana


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 9/8/2004
Excellent photo, your "Under The Sun Of The Tuscany...", my friend Roby. I like the sloping hill with the tall pine on the right, the small grove on the left and the clouds in the sky.
Thask you for for commenting on my "Finished, finally" and your congratulation on it.
Ciao, a presto,


G G G G   {K:61359} 9/8/2004
Beautiful shot Roberto. I like the angle of capture that you choose!! Very impressive effect. Congrats. Fabrice


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 9/8/2004
hi, is that a lone cypress tree which is so much a part of Tuscany landscapes?..just as i imagine your land and hope one day to the low perspective and the gorgeous vast sky..the foreground is a nice lead in..congrats!..regards,gayle (have a spare room,barn,or shack?..LOL..maybe i will visit sooner than later ;> )


Mark Hamilton Mark Hamilton   {K:8387} 9/8/2004
Hi Roby

Nice picture, I like the way foreground draws you into the image.

It would have been interesting to see what this could have looked like with the horizon higher or lower to add more emphasis on either the land or the clouds as they are such beautiful parts of this image

Cropping out the trees on the left is also an interesting composition adding to the feeling of space.

As it stands it certainly makes me wish I was here to get away from the NZ winter.



Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 9/8/2004
Bella dedica e bellissimo paesaggio toscano che ci regala gli ultimi sapori dell'estate.

Grazie per i tuoi commenti Rob, sempre gentile.


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/8/2004
WOW............ spettacolare, Roby!

una festa di colore, Amico!!!

Un'espressione "a Monet"
...per la foto che dire..

unica ed eccezionale:
vola tra le mie preferite

un bacione,


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 9/8/2004
Roberto. Tuscany Oh how I love the beautyof Tuscany. I would so love to go there and stay for days just photographing oone of the prettiest places on earth.
off on vacation now, will check in when i can.


karen clarke karen clarke   {K:18893} 9/8/2004
Wow, is that a beautiful sky, it seems so unreal-the blue looks so beautiful when paired with the brown of the grass. Well composed~


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 9/8/2004
The natural scenery of the toscani is beautiful only. I wants going toward Italy again.


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 9/8/2004
Hi Roberto ! super the feel of it..makes me want to be there !!! thanks !


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 9/7/2004
Grazie mille...è stupenda!!!!!!!!
Un abbraccio,

p.s. Domani incontro Alvaro


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 9/7/2004
Molto particolare questa collina dorata, caro Roby. Il sole Toscano e'indubbiamente molto invitante anchequando il cielo e' annuvolato.
Fantastico scatto
Un abbraccio - Emgy


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 9/7/2004
Beautiful tuscany with these wonderful late summer colors
The low angle of view enhances the wide sky nicely
A great composition
Complimenti i saluti


Andrea Falqui Andrea Falqui   {K:5787} 9/7/2004
Mi piace molto.
Ciao, Andrea


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 9/7/2004
Wow, Roby.
A great delight those golden fields.


Deb Mayes   {K:19605} 9/7/2004
Roby, this is truly special. Love the detail in the foreground and the colors and lines.


Ann Texter   {K:10064} 9/7/2004
Beautiful landscape! Would love to go there.


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 9/7/2004
Outstanding landscape photo Roby.
The colours are absolutely wonderful and the detail within the clouds is stunning my friend :-)
Gorgeous colours in the field and the composition is just superb :-)
Excellent !

Best wishes,


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/7/2004
Bellissima composizione caro amico e bellissimo colori!
Complimenti per queste lavoro. Ciao.


Maria Luisa Vial   {K:36017} 9/7/2004
Hi Roby...

Beuatiful image!!!!!! I simply love it!!!!! Great composition... Lovely colors!!!! The clouds are magnificent... A beautiful place... It is very sharp and very detailed...




Menno Naber Menno Naber   {K:3570} 9/7/2004
This is a very nice landscape very relax!!
good composition
Great job Roberto !


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 9/7/2004
guarda che quando ci andate a costo di sistemarmi in bauliera voglio essere presente...ciao mitico


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 9/7/2004
ESEMPLARE...perfetta esecuzione di caratura inestimabile...questa te la invidia pure l'alvaro...eccellente composizione carica di colori paesaggio sicuramente bello è reso spettacolare dalla tua straordinaria capacita' di manovrare quell'arnese analogico...complimenti mio caro...grazie infinite per questa foto da primato...a presto


Davide Contestabile Davide Contestabile   {K:4091} 9/7/2004
bellissimo paesaggio, ottimo sia nella composizione che nei colori


Richard Thornton   {K:26442} 9/7/2004
Good image, Roby. The tree on the right looks to be a sentinal standing guard over the scene.


Francesca Cadeddu Concas Francesca Cadeddu Concas   {K:7443} 9/7/2004
Questa immagine è proprio tua. Bella come poche.


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 9/7/2004
What a view! Amazing Depth and that sky is soooo beutiful. Lovely light and colors!! The trees cut off good... but im not sure about the right one! Im not sure though that take it away will do the picture good or bad.. its just that my eyes look upon that tree when i see the picture. A very good photo though!! =) Cheers!

Patrick J


Davide Marchi   {K:9196} 9/7/2004
Spazio e infinito tutto in questa immagine il resto ... parole, bravo Davide


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 9/7/2004
Excellent low angle shot Roberto,lovely scenery

Best regards


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 9/7/2004
Tuscany always been an attractive place, and your image of great attractive too, beauty of landscape the low angle shot is more than perfect, super hot shot, ciao. Saeed


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 9/7/2004
ma quando ci andiamo insieme ?????
bella ....e alla tua maniera....


Ivan Møllebjerg   {K:6079} 9/7/2004
Hi Roby - excellent landscape with a great perspective in the composition, and it really carries the colors of summer.
I like the way the field is the horizon, creating the illusion that it goes on forever.
Great work 7+




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