Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 7/22/2006
This is so beautiful...it inspires deep emotion in me...
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 11/27/2004
I love it!! Its cool that?s its done in PS cuz I shoot digital, can u please tell me what u did to get the effect? Which filters did u use? sorry i i sound nnosy i just want to learn ;)
Evangelos Koutsavdis
{K:379} 11/27/2004
Arwa: thanks for the comments. No this is PS.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 11/26/2004
Beautiful photo Evangelos! The detail is very good and the composition is excellent! Very well done! My best..................JOHN
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 11/26/2004
a super black and white flora! I love the extreme composition in placing the center of the flower at the very edge of the frame! Courageous cropping The softness and tones are incomparable! How did u get this effect? Darkroom techniques or PS? 7/7 :)
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 11/26/2004
Another very beautiful B&W flower close-up with wonderful tones, lighting and softness. You surely have a great eye for cropping and composition of these images Evangelos. I just love it....Best regards, Harry
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 11/21/2004
so beautiful and sweet! nice work from both you and your lens! my regards, kostas
Olga Vareli
{K:22477} 10/27/2004
How can I look at that flower and not recall sweet memories of a valley in my village ...perfection in the screen.
{K:1665} 10/26/2004
Wow, this is fantastic! You have a really shallow DOF here, right?
Stunning. I'm wondering how this would look as a very large print, hung on a wall.
Jessica deem
{K:187} 10/23/2004
Hallo Evangelos Dein Fofo gefällt mir sehr! Schwarz-Weiss passt zu diesem Foto. Liebe Grüsse Jessica
J Dillon
{K:1426} 10/21/2004
you're not kidding... the tonality is right there with MF... this is quite a nice image. very pleasant and very welcoming. do you sell any of your work? i would be interested in a print of this!
Joann Winborn
{K:12550} 10/21/2004
Very Impressive! wonderful details, soft petals- lovely capture!
{K:20268} 10/21/2004
Great photo... i think it looks lovely.
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 10/21/2004
Beautiful Photograph Evangelos, Great B/W and clarity. Very well presented.
Thanks for sharing? Peter Daniel
Steven H
{K:7142} 10/21/2004
This is beautiful. Very sharp, as you suggest, and the tones highlight the forms really well.
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 10/21/2004
Another good shot Evangelos, I like the soft lighting and the shadows, good work, regards.