al Farrob
{K:4087} 10/26/2004
Reply to APPAVE José:
For me this one works a better on what concerns balance. But the other has a very good capture of the main subject:)
{K:566} 10/26/2004
Yes I agree with your comment. I did not know what to do with this Cactus. In fact I had many options but I also like this one. Tell me what you think of this one. Kind regards. Jose

{K:566} 10/26/2004
Thanks Heath. I got a bit confused with the way I decided to reduce that photo. One of these days I'll change and put the larger one. I went out last sunday for our last day in the sun. I got some nice photos too. Now it's raining a lot so maybe get some dull photos in the next few weeks. take care.. Jose
Leticia Sulzbacher Lessa
{K:119} 10/26/2004
Quanta delicadeza... essa é sem dúvida uma bela composição de luz, cor e tema! As suculentas podem render lindas imagens!
al Farrob
{K:4087} 10/26/2004
There is something about the composition that does not work for me, I think it is balance, a crop on the left and a bit more space on the right would maybe do. The main subjet is very beautiful and well captured, imho.
My best regards
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 10/26/2004
Very sharp, perfect depth of field.
Great colour and frame colour.
To be fussy - would really like to see it a little bigger. Fantastic how it is though.
Look after yourself mate!
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 10/25/2004
Lovely composition, but extra special colour - fabulous Margaret