musin yohan
{K:3} 10/17/2006
great shot!! motion captured perfectly giving a sense of mistery behind a nice perspective....bravo!!
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 2/25/2006
Fantastic location en capture of a moment. Good black and white!
Mark Tate
{K:1151} 10/28/2005
excellent, murat regards pawel
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 3/3/2005
A very good & creative idea.
{K:227} 2/20/2005
yessss, i like it!
Tudor Pantelimonescu
{K:405} 2/17/2005
SUPERB very nice one
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 2/11/2005
thanx..my photos will wait for you :)
michelle k.
{K:16270} 2/11/2005
your photos are beautiful..... i'll come back to look again
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 2/9/2005
Lots of great images in your portfolio but this one really grabs me. Love the comp and central placement of the figure.
- -
{K:10510} 1/19/2005
Yousry Aref
{K:-166} 1/10/2005
Wonderful moment
Dorota Wroblewska
{K:340} 1/8/2005
Fantastic! best rigards, Dorota.
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 12/22/2004
Super composition!!
Great work!!
Best regards, Winfried
{K:9563} 12/10/2004
the motion causes this photo to be really mysterious
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 12/5/2004
A different kind of fairy tale! Wonderfully fun. Thanks for your comment on mine. :) T.
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 12/1/2004
great image, love the sense of motion. Ann
ferzan aydin
{K:415} 11/29/2004
tebrik ediyorum, her fotografinizda istanbul ayri bi gozle yasaniyor...keşfedilen, göze carpan, belki bakip gectigimiz ama bi sekilde aklimiza kazinan, belki hic dikkatimizi cekmeyen her ayrintiyi yakalamak icin gönderilmissiniz heralde, hic gorulmeyen guzellikte yansitiyorsunuz her kareyi, tekrar tebrikler...
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 11/23/2004
wonderful - amazing style in your pics...
.. ...
{K:6642} 11/17/2004
olayli foto:)hareket oldu mu ben tav oluyorum zaten..super!
Lilywhite Lilith
{K:1809} 11/16/2004
i really love your style. goes to my favorites. best regards, ekkehard
helea pusta
{K:1660} 11/12/2004
i love this, it's excellent, creative, and the composition is awsome:)
sergo ofir
{K:804} 11/12/2004
Very good shot and idae
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 11/11/2004
:) yes Ivan, it is difficult to line in Istanbul.But, nonetheless, she is like an indispensable woman. :))
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 11/11/2004
Istanbul is a paradox... A city of many colours that is best photographed in Black and White. Your portfolio has some of the best shots of Istanbul I have ever seen, you cover some of the usual Istanbul sights but manage to avoid the clichés. Quite remarquable....
Oliver Dienst
{K:452} 11/4/2004
great !
rafal ' mojalewastopa ' karpinski
{K:504} 11/4/2004
..very good!
Marcus Claésson
{K:2179} 11/2/2004
Love it! Going to my favs.
{K:5996} 10/29/2004
Wowwwww Murat tek kelime ile mukemmel.
aviva s.
{K:346} 10/29/2004
i changed my mind about how i usualy disagree with a centered subject of interest-the motion works with its symmetry
m n
{K:-39} 10/29/2004
super olmus ..henri cartier inde buna benzer bir fotografi vardi ..
Asli Karabulut
{K:2304} 10/28/2004
süper olmus... hic bitmicek hep basa dönecek bir hikaye gibi... etkileyici... tebrikler..
Diego Ruggiero
{K:10659} 10/28/2004
very nice one Murat, I like all about this shot. So many compliments.
{K:366} 10/27/2004
e yine b&w ,yine senin ve yine çok guzel! model surekli merdivenlerden inip çikicak , ayni yerde donup dolasick gibi! blur da çok guzel duruyo , lekeler , merdivenlerdeki siyah&beyazliklar... uzatmiym yani super!
{K:6651} 10/27/2004
// //
{K:6081} 10/27/2004
Excellent at all,love the contrast.
{K:30945} 10/27/2004
wow. just love it dear Murat! Kisses, Biliana
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 10/26/2004
tekrar tebrikler, cok güzel,Umur daha bir sey yazmamis. merdivenlerdeki beyazlardan siyaha gecisler harika demisti.oyle aklimda kalmis.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 10/26/2004
a really enjoyable photo!!! she twirls around and goes to the same place!! I love it!! 7x7+
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 10/26/2004
5.9 of rating???? why!!!?? for me is a 7/7!! DEFINETLY!!!
What a nice shot Murat!!,
Miguel Torres
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 10/26/2004
excellent composition! I like the movement!
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 10/26/2004
cok guzel Murat, hatta fotografi gorur gormez daha ismine bakmadan biliyordum sen oldugunu. su siralar bir reklam donuyor, sanirim ericson, hani bi kiz ile bi adamin hayatlari farkli ama simetrik olarak hep ayni seyi yapip bir salonda bulusuyorlar. onu animsatti. cok guzel bi calisma, tebrik ederim
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 10/26/2004
interesting image love the mood of it
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 10/26/2004
WOW! this is a winner image! excellent work 7++++++++++++
Mirela Bratu
{K:-328} 10/26/2004
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 10/26/2004
harika bir fotograf olmus, tebrikler
Gábor Koscsó
{K:-229} 10/26/2004
Interesting, original composition - I like it. Regards, Gabor
Lotta Soderberg
{K:69} 10/26/2004
I love this! great work.
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 10/26/2004
Fantastic shot.. really great! =)) Love the composition!! Very very good.. enough said ..7++
Patrick J
Eric Bumgarner
{K:1229} 10/26/2004
This is an awesome image!! The composition is what does it for me! The stairs leading down from the right and you follow the person walking up to the other stairs and up to the left but I always seem to bring my eyes right back down the the center. The flow of dark to light is the other part of the composition that brings it together, my eye goes for the light first and then is dragged to the left side of the image but is always drawn back again. This is a very beautiful symetrical shot! The exposure is probably the best you could have gotten.
Great image!! Regards, Eric
April .
{K:4832} 10/26/2004
tekrar koymussun fotografi.. tekrar basa doner gibi inislerden sonra tekrar cikislar gibi..
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 10/26/2004
great again, very well composed.
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 10/26/2004
great composition and dynamism
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 10/26/2004
yok yok fotonun geri gelmesinin masal ile bir ilgisi yok :))
Rocco T
{K:4130} 10/26/2004
Very strong! geometrical, static and moved..perfect!! Regards. Rocco
karen clarke
{K:18893} 10/26/2004
Wonderful, there's a feeling of just going in circles never to go anywhere. Nice motion blur, wonderfully abstract~
{K:21564} 10/26/2004
Sevgili Murat, burasi karakoy olabilir mi ?
Well composition,
Congratulations and good luck for the next shots,
{K:5777} 10/26/2004
Masal bitmemis, fotograf geri gelmis:))
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 10/26/2004
hehe, excellent composition and work again. Congrats.
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 10/26/2004
Very nice foto! Congrats
**** *****
{K:9527} 10/26/2004
love the feeling of this image! wonderful style you have!