Asli Karabulut
{K:2304} 12/1/2004
looks so real.. beautiful colors and nice reflection on the marbles :))
{K:30945} 10/27/2004
welcome back my dear Drop Friend! Kisses, Biliana
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{K:2309} 10/27/2004
Just perfect! 7
Regards, M. Nicinger
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 10/26/2004
I like this alot, just wanna push one of them to see their movement, looks so real:)) congrats
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 10/26/2004
so mustafa.. with this excellent studio compositive have captured a perfection of natural equlibrium!!!
the fine perspective of this close-up is for the eyes a great emotion.. one to one.. in lines! many congrats and good wish.. roby 7
Dandi Zulkarnain
{K:56} 10/26/2004
Nice composition.. Maybe It is more better if you clean the balls first
{K:21564} 10/26/2004
Sevgili Mustafa,
Herkes okuyabilsin diye ana yorumu ingilizce yazdim. Bazen obsessif oldugumu düsündügüm için bir tane yorum yazmadan edemedim. Bu tarz calismalari seviyorum, eline saglik.
Bundan sonrakiler icin ayrica kolay gelsin ve basarilar dilerim..
Dear Mustafa,
I liked your colors and three balls perspective and reflections of you on first 2 of them.
However I am just a little bit obsessive I could stop myself telling this:)) ( if you draw a line between first and third ball, we se that the second ball is located a bit in front)
I would like to see your future photos,
Congratulations and good luck,