Jim Causey
{K:224} 6/12/2003
There's nothing inappropriate about this... not only is it a great photo, our memories and photos of the WTC are all we have left of this building...
I've been there, and this made me smile wistfully at my memories of the towers. Thank you.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 6/3/2003
John, I missed this image the first time you showed it. It stands as a tribute to those who were lost. I'm particularly touched by the mass of people in the image. Their presence in the image reminds us that something far more important than buildings was lost.
John Charlton
{K:5595} 6/3/2003
This is probably the most famous place I've ever photographed. When I posted the image to Usefilm days after our world changed, I was still shaking from the tragedy.
Several more comments have come and gone from below this picture as people have parted ways with Usefilm. None of them thought it was inappropriate in any way and so this image remains and is my memorial to the people who lost their lives.
Hope it stirs good memories rather than bad ones for you.
Mike B
{K:34} 1/26/2002
Hi, i love your picture. It shows the 10 hour wait it took to get to the observatory. I once myself waited in it. I have a similar picture too...except its ruined by me being in it. Back then i used to want to be in everything, but now i photograph the subject, instead of someone else photographing me. I wish i had one squeezed in one more visit. Thanks Mike
John Charlton
{K:5595} 9/22/2001
This image was published in this week's edition ( September 19, 2001) of the Independent, the community newspaper where I work, under the headline - A vision of light, from long ago