Bill Krul
{K:5597} 2/7/2005
A classic slice of life from the other side of my (our) world. Nicely framed and exposed.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/31/2005
Hi "khaled M.H "I see you have collection of rare moments in this site, first the reality of your shot impress me, then the desisive moments you have captured was realy intersting. thanks for share these moments of life....i enjoyed your collection/ kiarang.iran
moataz k. elkateb
{K:4971} 12/14/2004
great shot I like evry thing in this photo ...the composition....the light ...shadow's..very artistic shot ..well done. moataz
Khaled Al Harbi
{K:-163} 12/9/2004
great catch
Sally A.
{K:4601} 11/28/2004
i love the different colors. Well done.
Hesham A
{K:690} 11/26/2004
Thank you for your kind comment, Khaled. I love the way you portray Egypt and the Egyptian life. This pic is no exception, it's beautiful in every way.
Shehabeldin Mostafa
{K:1163} 11/24/2004
A very good shot Khaled. However, I think that the lady is not actually reading but she is just looking at the pictures. With this environment shown in the picture it is very rare that the lady would know how to read and write. I have also another remark about the primitive repair of the window slots. The shot is very descriptive and I like it very much.......GOOD WORK MY FRIEND.....
Khaled Rabie
{K:368} 11/23/2004
Hi Khaled, I loved this photo, mostly: the shadow of the tree branches on the wall and the red planket in the right corner made a great balance with the Zeer on the left corner, great photo.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 11/18/2004
Excellent, love the shadows, colours shapes as well as it being an interesting composition Margaret
First Last
{K:6897} 11/17/2004
Great shot. I like the colors and things naturally disposed on your very well composed picture.
Thank for sharing all these interesting information also.
Mark Susa
{K:2301} 11/10/2004
For a documentary photo this is also very artistic. It has good color and is very nicely composed. I like the background detail, the shadows on the blue-green wall. The red color of the blanket gives another color dimension to the image and makes it more interesting and attractive. The mood is excellent, it helps the picture say its message. Very beautiful image, Khaled.
Yousry Aref
{K:-166} 11/8/2004
E x c e l l e n t
i really love it Khaled

Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 11/7/2004
Excellent capture Khaled and great composition, i like the background in here and the mood, your capture is really nice as usual, and you can add to the Zeer's information, it is the first filter used in the history, as the Pharaohs used to use it to filter water 7000 years ago, interesting about, very well done Khaled, and keep up the good work, regards,
{K:61359} 11/7/2004
Nice composition Khaled
ahmed refay
{K:665} 11/6/2004
very nice
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 11/6/2004
A very nice composition with rich colours and lots of interesting details. I love the light effect on the wall. With all the big events in the world these days, everybody needs to keep informed!
Regards, friend, Omar
Ahmed Nadim
{K:437} 11/6/2004
great composition
S.D Holmes
{K:7156} 11/5/2004
excellent capture Khaled - so much going on that. I especially like the vivd contrast between the green and the red of the carpet - great work and thank you for your comment
Arthur Kornienko
{K:9686} 11/5/2004
Very nice candid Khaled. Lots to look at in this shot. Exposure is very good and sharpness is excellent. Regards, Art.
al Farrob
{K:4087} 11/5/2004
Excellent composition!
It is an efficient means to refresh the water, vastly used in Portugal before the spreading of refrigerators. Curiously I have already seen, in a region of southern Portugal, a modern and ingenious way to do the same: a soaked woolen sleeve around a plastic bottle :)
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 11/5/2004
Beautiful image
Johann Pinto
{K:-720} 11/4/2004
Again, wonderful details, colors and textures. well done my good friend :)
Tahsin Bakr
{K:3298} 11/4/2004
I added to my favorites.
Tahsin Bakr
{K:3298} 11/4/2004
Dear Khaled; Really it's one of your best pics. awesome my friend. You have a great vision in people photography specialy street shots. Good work my friend. C u.
Raquel Osorio
{K:947} 11/4/2004
Your work gets better by the day! :) Love the composition and the colors, thanks for all the thoughts in the "about".
Mkm .
{K:2458} 11/4/2004
great capture and excellent message.
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 11/4/2004
Excellent composition! very good work. Congrats.
// //
{K:6081} 11/4/2004
Fantastic at all,lovely cultural image,bravo My best wish HASSAN
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 11/4/2004
Excellent shot, Khaled! The shadows against the wall are fantastic, as is the lovely balanced composition formed by the window and the two zeer. I have to disagree with Samer - the addition of the woman not only further balances the composition in a triangle, but adds immesurably to the 'story' in this image! I love her posture and the intensity in her face as she reads the paper. Perhaps a touch more light in her face would be nice, but that's a minor detail!
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 11/4/2004
great composition and lighting! congrats. G
Asim Roy
{K:10051} 11/4/2004
Most intelligent capture my dear Khaled, i love it tooooooooooooooooooo much, love, asim
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 11/4/2004
Culture documentary photograph, splendid pure traditional usage, love the natural light and beautiful composition, super,Saeed
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 11/4/2004
Khaled, absolutly beautiful. This has gone into my favorites, I love the color, the dappled lighting and the great subject matter. Your tones are beautiful. I am an avid reader, so can appreciate your about. Wonderful picture. Alison
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 11/4/2004
Excellent composition and love the way the light plays accross the building. The women reading in tandom with the pots next to her. Very nice capture :)
Patrick Jacobson
{K:29151} 11/4/2004
Its a really good photo my friend.. You seems to like it much yourself as you put it in "Your best Photograph". =) I like the stillness here.. she doesnt seems to know about you at all. Great colors and light.. love the shadows and their play on the wall. Very good composition also! =))
Patrick J
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 11/4/2004
The beauty in this shot is the hard contrast between colors and light with shadow.Superb in all and well composed.My best compliments. Regards...Orazio
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 11/4/2004
masha'allah wonderful work the colors r super!! 7+++++++++++
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/4/2004
Very nice environmental shot, Khaled, and how true your "about". Education has to be the most valuable commodity in any nation. Thanks for your comments. Dave.
Samer Safir
{K:383} 11/4/2004
Without the lady I would rate it 7++++ as an art work expressing the Egyptian poor culture... The lady presence will make it 4 for me. The best thing you have in here is ?el batania?. It?s flashing in the shot. Shadows on the lady are very poor. Shadows on the background are very good. I don't know if you meant to do so... And keep it up.
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 11/4/2004
Very , very interesting photo Khaled! Being able to see how other cultures live is a real privilage!A fine capture My Friend! Just great! my best...............JOHN 7++++++
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 11/4/2004
Great composition,colors and lighting.I like the shadows.Well done!
Fadel J
{K:13974} 11/4/2004
Very beautifull composition and colors, and the lighting is just amazing Khaled!
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 11/4/2004
nice composition Khaled.. i like the shadows very much.. well done.. regards
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 11/4/2004
Excellent composition and colors.. Beautiful lighting, and very informative. Very good work, Khaled.
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 11/4/2004
Very good documentary shot. The colors and details are excellent. Good work.
Latif alobaida
{K:5005} 11/4/2004
Perfect composition Khaled and great catch of tiny details in the photo..
Neil Holden
{K:602} 11/4/2004
Great shot.. could be from the pages of national Geographic.. superb..