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Prairie Ghost III
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Image Title:  Prairie Ghost III
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 By: Patrick Ziegler  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Patrick Ziegler  Patrick Ziegler {Karma:21797}
Project #48 Best Picture of 2004 Camera Model Vivitar 300N
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio My Best
Lens Vicitar 28-70mm
Uploaded 11/20/2004 Film / Memory Type Agfa  Ultra
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 976 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 11 Ratings
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Prarie Ghost VIII

B E L L A - S O R R I S O



B I G  E Y E S


Saturday Morning

8:15pm April 3, 2004


* * *

There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Nicole Marcisz Nicole Marcisz   {K:10268} 3/4/2005
this is nice



Bill Krul   {K:5597} 12/14/2004
Beautifully composed. Image tells the story well!


Patrick de Volpi   {K:205} 12/8/2004
That tells a story. Nice shot.


Sergio Viana   {K:-139} 12/8/2004
Stunning image, wonderful colors. Well done.


Miguel Torres Miguel Torres   {K:3998} 11/30/2004
Wonderful compostion and Color!!!!


Miguel Torres


Walt McNeil   {K:2146} 11/29/2004
This version of the image looks so beautiful. It's what I imagine a shot would look like.

I am not familiar witht he first film that you mentioned, but I have used Provia 400, which also has a very nice color, and is suitable for the sports shots.

I envy your scanner; the one I have is a flatbed scanner; I bought it because it had a capicity to scan 2-1/2" medium format shots. Problem is, my Pentax 645 went down and needs $425 for repairs, so I don't use it any longer.
The DiMage is a true film scanner, and should provide excellent service.

If you want to make money at this hobby(as I do) it is essential to get into the Photographer's Market, and look for stock agencies, calender shots, and perhaps other sources, looking for pictures such as yours.
I have an occasional wedding, and a very occasional check, from the agency that I belong to,
Basically , I am a street shooter, but do scenics also( a very crowded field).



Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 11/29/2004
Walt, I have been experimenting with AGFA RSX II 100 and Provia 400F. I use the 400 in my canon with the telephoto lens. It's mostly for wild life and I need to be quick. shotting at either 300 or 600mm Someday I'll buy a good telephto.

I use the slower in my Vivitar 3800N which I use for landscapes and other wide angle work.

The precision or lack of latitude holds true in the lab also. I am working on getting the hand tank e6 proccess down. So far three rolls and all have been under developed.

I have the Konica Minoltage Dimage II film scanner. 320 input DPI. Not the best but afordable. Upgrading this is also on the list but first I gotta figure out how to get some money backout this hobby.


Walt McNeil   {K:2146} 11/29/2004
Slide film will give better colors to start, and end up with full color. Two of the best slide films are Provia 100, and Velvia 100; they have enough speed to handle lower light, but are slow enough to give fine grain, and beautiful colors.

Only problem with slide film is that it doesn't have a lot of latitude. What you shoot, is about what you get; unlike slide negative film, which gives lots of manuever room,but generally weak colors; then the processing by ordinary machines removes lots of the color.

Another very good software program is Photo Impact 7, which allows natural colors without a lot of manupilation.

Finally, one needs a good scanner to copy and load the slides. I have a Epson Perfection 2450, on of the best slide scanners I have used.


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 11/29/2004
Walt. There was a polorizer one for this shot. The bleach look may have come from several layers of tweaking on it. Yes, about the film. I am moving into the better films. Actualy slide film is the direction I think I am going. This shot was taken with AGFA Utral 100 which is funt to experiment with. I actulay had to back off the saturation on this shot. Thanks for the comments.


Walt McNeil   {K:2146} 11/28/2004
I think that this is an excellent shot, good placement, witht he trees leading to the house.

Pardon my mentioning it, but it looks bleached out. I think that comes from using color negative film; toooften the machines don't do justice to the picture.

I think that by using a polarizer filter to bring out the clouds, and darken the colors a bit, that would help a lot. Also Fuji Provia 100, Sensia 100, or Velvia 100 would give give pictures that might "knock your eye out".

I also have traveled in South Dakota, which has tremendous potential for creative and beautiful images. Nothing like that around here. I'd love to travel back to that state and be able to photograph some of what you find.

Great shot!!


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 11/23/2004
Thank you Royce for your comments. A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Royce Emley   {K:84} 11/23/2004
That is one beautiful piece of art. Of course I'm partial to photos of old buildings but the thumb nail does not show enough. When that sky and then the snow dusted buildings appeared I was there standing in South Dakota feeling the air. Magnificent photo.


2ef2e wef2   {K:209} 11/22/2004
It looks so inviting until u look closer and its deserted.


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 11/21/2004
Thanks Gino!


Geno Bisoni   {K:81} 11/21/2004
verry nice pat
well done


Rona K **   {K:2375} 11/20/2004
This is wonderful! Just love the country side. This is awesome.


Gilles SAint-Yves   {K:265} 11/20/2004
very nice work... Congratulations


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 11/20/2004
Looks like a painting from someones wall. Excellent colours.



Marcus Armani Marcus Armani   {K:36599} 11/20/2004
Well done, outstanding colors and detail, the crop is perfect, i like the border....


Manish Bosmiya Manish Bosmiya   {K:-32} 11/20/2004
Excellent Shot.




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