Metin Selcuk
{K:166} 12/16/2006
Tesekkur ederim. Kullnadıgım lens balık gozu degil ama 20 mm.
Stephen R. Pellerine
{K:2370} 12/1/2004
Wonderful composition, and i love your framing style. You have made comments on my work concerning the format, and after seeing your work I can agree with what you have said. Unfortunatly, I have agreed to be "100%" sure to acknowledge the Ballet company - so if there are possible times when the image can be taken away - I must imprint like this. But - I will certainly change other images I have been guilty of labelling like this. You are really a master, glad to see your work.
oguzhan erim
{K:2133} 11/30/2004
Cok güzel bir resim. Cocuk faktörü de resmi gercekten zenginlestiriyor. Tebrikler...
Metin Selcuk
{K:166} 11/29/2004
Tugce, yorum yazmakta çok hizlisin. Fisheye yanlislikla yazildi oraya. Aslinda 80-200 lens kullanildi. Kayit yaparken atlamisim, pardon :))
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 11/29/2004
Buna yakin cok kareler cektim birkacini da buraya aktardim. Basarili, kuslarin dinamigini iyi yakalamissin. Ve fisheye lens kullanmissin kiskandim :-)