Etem Etem
{K:3551} 12/10/2004
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/9/2004
öküzüm ben kusura bakma :) hakkaten nasil cözemedim ben bu inceligi. yok yok düzeltme verme Umut diye kalsin :)) tesekkürler abilerin krali
{K:5777} 12/9/2004
Aslinda sana kiyak yaptim ama sen cozemedin inceligi. O halde aciklayayim: Umur The Bold, Umur The Mess daha iyiyse bu kelimelerin basindaki Umut'tan hemen duzeltme vereyim gazetelere Umur bold ve mess olan diyeyim Umut degil:))) Sana bagli...
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/7/2004
umut kim ulen?!?!? yeter artik yeter biktim bu umut lardan, ugur lardan, onur lardan benim ismim umur umur umur istemiyorum bu ismi ben yaaa istemiyorum isteeeeeee :(((
{K:5777} 12/7/2004
Len bu bizim Umur di mi???? I mean all of the portraits...Umur Julia, Umur Guevara, Umut The Bold, Umut The Mess, Umur Cistern... Where is he looking at? Wait a minute, he has no eyes. What happened to his eyes???
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 12/6/2004
heeey i know this sexy man :))
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
you have a serie of meeeeeeeeeee!!!
as Banu Alkan said 'Ohh my God'
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 12/6/2004
Dont worry Umur.. everything will be allright...
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 12/6/2004
Just returned from a walk... To my surprise I saw Umur in the streets.. sitting under the arches of some mosque, with a very worried face.. he seemed to be asking: Why??? Why??????
 The Worrier |
{K:42404} 12/6/2004
Ouch!!! just in my head :C

Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
hahaha :((
Ivan, you are the only guilty :((
bomb? nuclear bomb? select one of them ARMANDO see you in heaven :))
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...
{K:42404} 12/6/2004
Maybe you are more like this ????

Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
after seeing this photograph, one of my friend confused me with Che Guevara. ooo my God, comandante Che Guevara and me. no one can be seen like Che Guevara.
 Comandante Che Guevara |
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
don't make fun with my hair :( Raul Juliá? yes, eyes are similar; also the type of face is similar. but i am more handsome.. :p
 Raul Juliá -from www.magic-hippo.com/raul.htm- |
{K:42404} 12/6/2004
Ivan: esperame, ahorita llego via fax, hahahaha!!!!! que rico verdaderamente me provoca comer algo asi ahorita, pero aqui recien está amaneciendo y ni los gallos cantan aun, son bien dormilones, hahahaha!!!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 12/6/2004
Las 12.30 del mediodia y dentro de unos minutos me voy al Bosforo a comerme un rape a la plancha... Estas invitado...
{K:42404} 12/6/2004
Compadre, buenos días ?que hora es alla?? aqui son las 5.27 am. gracias por recordarme el nombre del actor
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 12/6/2004
Raul Juliá (con mucho menos pelo)... si.. en efecto... le trae un aire... :-)
{K:42404} 12/6/2004
wooww!! hermano, que tal fotón!!! increible manejo de luces y sombras Unur se parace a ese Actor que no me acuerdo su nombre pero que se apellidaba Juliá y que actuo en la película de los locos Adams, lo recuerdas?? murio hace poco de muy joven y era un gran actor Gracias por tu comentario a mi foto y si es verdad mi zoologico tambien hace las veces de casa, jajaajaja!!!
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
yauw maymun olduk resmen yaaaa... :)
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 12/6/2004
Beauty B&W...
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 12/6/2004
finally Umur Karakaya...no more a mystery. great catch Ivan.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 12/6/2004
Cool contrast....and composition.
Deleted Member
{K:7533} 12/6/2004
wauw that is me?!? I guard my face until today but you catched me.
very good portrait. I love it and put into my self_portraits -actually there is only one :)-
{K:21564} 12/6/2004
Dear Ivan, That is nice to see a yerebatan cistern photo.. Congratulations .. I've added 2 yerebatan photos in my portfolio.. that is nice coincidence..
Best wishes and congratulations!