Giuseppe Vitali
{K:580} 8/19/2005
Mi piace molto. La nuvola scura ed il mare fanno quasi da cornice.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 4/9/2005
Yes, you certainly do. It is very beautiful and smooth and I like the ship within the silhouette.
Thankyou so much Antonio for your comment on my image.
Len Webster
{K:25714} 12/26/2004
An interesting, moody shot.
(Thanks for your comment, elsewhere.)
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 12/26/2004
hermosa imagen Antonio, muy bellos colores y una gran silueta hacen de esta una fotografia bellisima saludos
Lester Tradelbloom
{K:3291} 12/26/2004
I apologise Antonio, here is the image

Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 12/25/2004
wowwwwwwwwww.. stupenda!!!! Complimenti! Ciao e buone feste
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 12/25/2004
lovely done, quite beautiful result. Wishes of some fantastic days and a special Year of 2005!!! regards to you!!!
Francesca Cadeddu Concas
{K:7443} 12/25/2004
E' talmente intensa, questa immagine, che sembra di poter respirare l'aria salmastra e sentire sulla pelle la carezza dell'acqua nell'ora in cui per me è più gradevole l'abbraccio del mare. Buon Natale Toni. Un abbraccio Francesca
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 12/25/2004
Monsieur Trincone... buon Natale. Ciao E. PS: la foto mi piace parecchio!!!
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 12/25/2004
Bella bella Antonio! Quei raggi di sole sembrano ina pioggia dorata che illumina questa scena. Buon Natale!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 12/25/2004
Excellent Antonio.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 12/25/2004
Uno splendido cielo ed una gradevole shilouette. Auguri Antonio per un Felice Natale ed un Radioso Anno Nuovo. Orazio
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 12/25/2004
Beautiful capture, pleasing tones and overall capture.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 12/25/2004
Hi Justin thank you very much for your critic I did not find any corrected image but the one in the link by which I understood what you meant. In my opinion those "almost black" line in my composition want to be exactly black using them as a frame for the landscape I presented
Lester Tradelbloom
{K:3291} 12/25/2004
I like your idea here, it is a beautiful setting and a fabulous part of the world, but in terms of imagery, it doesn't feel quite so striking. Your composition is slightly off, and from a distance, it looks almost as if there is just a line of black across the top and bottom of the photo. I have uploaded a more correctly composed shot to show you what I mean, and also, a link to a similarly shot image in my portfolio http://www.usefilm.com/image/644804.html. With that said, you have taken the most critical step in creating interest in an otherwise boring sea-scape. Some cloud and sky formations are incredibly majestic, but lack the foreground interest you have given here.
well done - Justin
Merry Christmas
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 12/25/2004
Beautiful silhouettes and light . Very well done Buon Natale ! Jan