Agust Agustsson
{K:881} 1/29/2005
use the magic wand or "lasso" tool to select the area to blur. once selected, you'll get crows feet around the area to blur you can work on the selected area. you can pick filters and or any other photo tool like contrast bright etc.
best to get a photoshop book with pictures. I find that the easiest. also they have cd's that show each move while describing it <lynda.com Good luck.
Ryan Wong
{K:213} 1/29/2005
Thanks for the great idea. Didnt cross my mind at all.
Just a question: I am new to PS, but how do I select the girl out and do the blur? I tried but always seem to have some problems.
Agust Agustsson
{K:881} 1/28/2005
Very nice serene mood of girl. nice framing with concrete. background very busy and spoils the mood. perhaps a gaussian blur would help
Ryan Wong
{K:213} 1/15/2005
Thanks. Will keep them coming. More later today. :))
michelle k.
{K:16270} 1/14/2005
i am really excited to see this series... keep it coming! this is just a sweet photo... great subject & composition
Stephen Bivens
{K:7308} 1/14/2005
They are wild girls.