thank you Alex! This actually wasn't a studio arrangement, I just parked the car under a freeway and used PS to burn and darken. I also think its a little dark, I geuss I will fine tune the lights and tones.
Wow... not bad... do you work for them, or how did you get this? Looks almost like a studio arrangement... and that is VERY hard to do for a car! Does seem a little dark, though... I would've suggest exposuring it more or adding a little more light.
It's a very interesting angle of light, creates a very refined mood to the car. The perspective of it as well, the wide angle (which I love more than anything) is excellent. This really adds some excellent dimensioning to the car. All-in-all this is a very well arranged shot. As I said, the only bit of improvement is in increasing the bright level on the areas that are already lit so that you can bring out the tones of the car a lot better, create even more contrast, and just show in more vivid detail the actual curves of the car that are being lost too much in the dark level... Keep up the great work!