Joe Ciccone
{K:3684} 4/30/2005
beautiful shot Peter
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 2/24/2005
Peter, thanks for sending me to this image. I know exactly where you were are. You were extremely fortunate to have such a bright, beautiful, smog free day to take this shot. Very nice light and colors, you almost make the big D a beautiful place to live!
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 2/19/2005
No apology necessary, We're all friends here. I do what to thank you for taking the time to evaluate my photos anyway. I'm not perfect and I admit I use some of PSP filters to change some of my photos. To the good I hope. I'm not that good of a photographer. I just started about 2-3 years ago.....
Thanks again for your comments. Please feel free to Critique my work....
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 2/19/2005
My apologies. I was deceived by the cropping, which removed some landmarks. The original image is definitely a more familiar view.
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 2/19/2005
Here's the origional before cropping the sides and cars. The only PS was a little contrast and 3 points of clarity (default). Otherwise this is what I captured from the left side of the farmers' Market 1st building where they have outdoor wooden furnature for sale by the bathrooms. There has been no cutting and pasting of any of the building. I'm not that good at PS to make all the changes you said.
 Origional |
Randal Dean
{K:4004} 2/19/2005
This is certainly an artificial view of downtown Dallas, although it is a spectacular image. There appear to be aspects of this composition that are heavily modified, for example I know the old Mercantile does not stand alone as a bulwark towards the southwest, being surrounded by taller structures... there are buildings on either side missing. The color and sharpness are well done, however I note some structures in the corners that appear to be pasted in, and painted to some degree. And I must say, unless you shot this on an ice cold winter's morning on a Monday after a long weekend, when the smog has had a chance to clear out, then that is definitely an artificial sky because that cerulean blue is quite extraordinary for this locale. For a true representation , sir , it will not do.
Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 2/16/2005
Like a picture postcard or travel brochure Peter, colors of the sky, details of buildings is awesome!!
K Blair
{K:1589} 2/16/2005
very nice photo Peter, the color of the sky is amazing K
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 2/15/2005
excellent image ! crisp..clear...great comp ! wonderful skyline Peter !! hugs
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 2/15/2005
Beautiful city scape, the composition is excellent, as well as the detail and clarity! Very nice work! )
Heath Bennett
{K:4429} 2/15/2005
Great shot Peter. Grateful for the information you share - many photographers (sometimes myself) hold on to their secrets!
John Nobody
{K:4914} 2/15/2005
Very beautiful, i like the colors
John H.
{K:2158} 2/15/2005
Very nice shot, very sharp image. You captured this well. Really like the blue sky with the soft clouds. Well done.
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 2/15/2005
Very nice cityscape Pete! Now get back to work... ha ha Ann
Former Member
{K:4077} 2/15/2005
Wonderful composition. The architecture is very beautiful. Congrats!
{K:26787} 2/15/2005
Beautiful cityscape shot with interesting architecture!
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 2/15/2005
Wonderful cityscape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great work!!!!! Greetings.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/15/2005
excellent compoistion dear Peter!!!! fabulous!!!!! best regards Marian
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 2/15/2005
Peter, great skyline here beautiful compositie Teunis
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 2/15/2005
Fantastic clarity & composition,cheers,Subhash.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 2/15/2005
Very nice skyline shot, Peter! Nice mix of buildings and the sky background is great! Dave.
Amy Nicolai
{K:3432} 2/15/2005
Peter, very nice indeed! I like the man-made mountain composition. Beautiful colors in the sky, also love the reflection of the old tower in the new building. Amy
Jeff Quigley
{K:965} 2/15/2005
This ia a fabulous shot Peter. I live in Dallas and I've never seen downtown from this angle. The composition is great and you got a very nice sky on this day. Keep up the good work.
Mario Bedolla
{K:459} 2/15/2005
really nice image :-)