Amitava Banerjea
{K:7088} 2/28/2006
Wonderful environmental portrait. Keep up the good work. I'll look forward to seeing your book.
andree lerat
{K:17476} 2/26/2005
Great shot. What a killer smile.........
Claude Renault
{K:1357} 2/26/2005
grazie tanto.. Saluti..
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 2/26/2005
Splendida immagine, ottima composizione e cattura!!!! Congrat.!!!
Un saluto.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 2/26/2005
Beautiful portrait, you can see this man has a wonderful spirit and the way you have captured him is very nicely done. Alison
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/26/2005
Hi Claude! Thanks for your answer. I guessed right then!!! But it?s obvious that you are a photographer.
Cheers/ Jeanette
Claude Renault
{K:1357} 2/26/2005
I actually am a photographer , having been working for years as a financial one, nowadays a freelance.. I will have a book about India, in collaboration with an Indian author "Radhika Jha" coming out at the end of this year.. about "sacred and the water".. Thanks for your note..
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/26/2005
Wonderful character he seems to be and wonderful atmosphere you captured here Claude! Perfect exposure and a superb composition. In all your photographs there?s such a warmth and i can really see your deep interest in what you are doing. And let me ask you know - what profession do you have?
Have a nice weekend!
Alex Billington
{K:1260} 2/26/2005
I have had a niche interest in world photojournalism capturing the emotions and details of the simpler and unique lives of individuals around the world. This photo is just one of the many that you've taken that exemplifies this aspect of photojournalism and is a superb portrait. Great job and keep up the great work! Good background info as well!