City - Pittsburgh State - PA Country - United States
Was a rare catch. I just happened to be walking around looking for icicles and noticed something "interesting in the distance" hanging from the stairs. I got closer to find this beauty. It was very hard to get good angles, and the stairs made it even harder to find anything that had an artistic level to it.
I also love wide angle soooo much and I got to borrow a beautiful piece of glass to take these and some other photos... I so wish I owned it!!
This one is amazing -- great choice for the wide angle!!! Love the long icicles. Glad none of them fell on you looking up at them like that. Lighting must have been difficult under there.
Great shot--a real winner! Let me recommend you look at the Sigma 17-35mm f:2.8. It doesn't give you the reach of the Canon, but it is a LOT cheaper. You might even find it on e-Bay. My first day trying mine at the beach out yielded some very satisfying shots. See: