Hani Ghayhab
{K:3723} 3/9/2005
Andras Lorincz
{K:410} 3/3/2005
Good picture!
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 3/1/2005
Yes, & yes & yes.... 7/7 The composition and lighting are super and the guy adds another deapth to your image. Bravo Hosain, Khaled.
Nicole Marcisz
{K:10268} 2/27/2005
fabulous composition, tones and color, congrats on a great shot
cheers, nicole
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 2/26/2005
very good...you have a great portfolio...
chantal heijnen
{K:979} 2/26/2005
Hi Hosain, Beautiful picture. I like the warm colours and compostion. Very nice. Chantal
Joe Teng
{K:16723} 2/26/2005
Fantastic shot! The composition is good. Lighting is good and the sepia colour really add character into the picture. The man is really cool and his gesture show that he is waiting for a long time. Good Work! 7++
Best regard to you! Joe
Kevin H
{K:22502} 2/26/2005
Excellent composition with perfect lighting. You can really feel that he's waiting for something and just the way he is standing, makes it that much more meaningful. Keep up the great work.
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 2/26/2005
Great perspective, the man adds a deeper meaning to the photo...
ugur cetin
{K:5895} 2/26/2005