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 By: Kamran   
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Kamran   Kamran   {Karma:3526}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Fashion
Film Format
Portfolio Portrait
Photo Art
Lens Canon  75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 EF IS USM
Uploaded 2/27/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 938 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 82 Rating
/ 43 Ratings
Location City -  Orlando
State -  FL
Country - United States   United States
About You've seen the B&W version here is the color one which one u like and why ?
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There are 82 Comments in 1 Pages
Rosi Ruiz   {K:32} 11/11/2005
I am in love with the light shining through her hair, and golden tones on her shoulders. Nice!


Herman Pieters Herman Pieters   {K:508} 10/10/2005


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 9/1/2005
this is beautiful i love the orange tones and you have great timing skills. great shot


Pankaj Arora   {K:3752} 5/12/2005
Great warm lighting and nice capture!!The skin tones have been just right!!!

Thanx Kamran for adding me to ur friend's list..


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 5/3/2005
Love the rich reddish tones here. Great lighting with motion idea. NICE!


Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 5/3/2005
I like how you caught her hair in motion. Nice job. By the way, I like the color version of this shot better.


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 5/3/2005
This is a Art photography. I love it. Your page is woderful. Specialy B&W Portraits are a Classic. This one is a another Masre peace. Orange colour is fantastic feeling.


Luis Diogo   {K:6019} 5/1/2005
Wonderful Kamran, great shot, and great work!


Shelly N Alexander   {K:1451} 4/8/2005
I like the color. Each image has its own mood and this one makes me want to go out dancing. This one has a very sexy mood to it. The color tones are great and the cropping is great, not a big fan of the frame but I love this photo. The black and white one is more like a study, to me. I still like the black and white one but this one is the best.


Tarek Al Kaaki   {K:2181} 4/7/2005
Beautiful shot I like the action in it.
Thanks for sharing :)

Best wishes Tarek.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 4/5/2005
hi kamran,

very special portrait, the hair add a lot of dynamics here. The color version is fine for me ;-)



ken krishnan   {K:19102} 4/4/2005

A wonderful specimen of a woman. Beautiful, shimmering, golden glow of the back lighting adds to her beauty. Her expression is nonchalant and yet inviting.

A very sensual and delightful image.

well done.



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/4/2005
wooww Kamran..
is so fantastic the mode, the wind in the hair and the fantastic "hot" light!
IMHO only the frame is so strong..
my best wishes and congrats for this great shot!
I preffer also at the b/w photo!


Alejandro Gómez Alejandro Gómez   {K:4270} 4/4/2005
I prefer the colour version of this photo. Nice shot and nice girl


Ezequiel Lozada Ezequiel Lozada   {K:17176} 4/4/2005
Very nice portrait. Excellent the movement of that beautiful hair. Ez


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 4/3/2005
Bonito juego con la luz


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 4/3/2005
un ritratto di grande bellezza e di grande forza


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 4/3/2005
Very fine, lively shot. You've captured a classic fashion/glamour moment.

Best regards,


Anunay Nayak Anunay Nayak   {K:2807} 4/1/2005
nice capture..


Giorgio Mesghetz Giorgio Mesghetz   {K:6724} 3/28/2005
molto bella,mi piace molto7


no longer a member no longer a member   {K:10557} 3/27/2005
I prefer this one over the B&W because the gold lighting gives the image a more romantic feeling about her. Excellent capture! 7+


Eric Simpson   {K:2348} 3/21/2005
Exceptional work, Kamran!


Adolfo Fabbri   {K:17634} 3/19/2005
Amazing light for this wonderful portrait. Bravo!!


Zsolt Radákovits Zsolt Radákovits   {K:10376} 3/19/2005
Nice dinamic pic. I love her lurid hair.
I prefer this colored version.

Congrats Radák


Manuel Bedoyan Manuel Bedoyan   {K:9098} 3/18/2005
Very nicely done Kamran, great tone, great action and of course beautiful model. Congrats.



H@shim A   {K:2195} 3/17/2005
Really well done...


Karen Ferranti   {K:2959} 3/14/2005
wonderful job! I prefer the color version better the nice golden glow really adds to the shot.


Leah Kahn   {K:878} 3/14/2005
i love the lighting and pose in this image, well done :-)


Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 3/14/2005
Nice work. Although I usually prefer B+W portraits, I think the dynamic pose and lighting here are better suited to colour.


Sony Kusumo   {K:7190} 3/11/2005
Hi Kamran, wow, now you've changed into taking portrait! Lovely... Love this one more, because I like the way you capture the hair movement. It's more obvious here than in the BW. Good works my frien...


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 3/10/2005
B/W is more attractive to me Kamran as b/w has a different voice, love the the composition, love the style of capture, love, asim


Megan McCluskey   {K:3762} 3/9/2005
I love hte colors of this one. I usually lean towards B&W but this one seems like black and gold. I really like your portraits. Keep it up.



Miguel Andrade   {K:5463} 3/8/2005
What a great work Kamran... excellent!
Regards, Miguel


Silvia Festa Silvia Festa   {K:6008} 3/8/2005
beautiful portrait! great colors and light!


Paula Grenside   {K:2811} 3/7/2005
Very good. Love how the flame of hair blend with the flaming background. An idea you may accept or not. I'd crop the bottom, leaving only the shoulders and the face.


Francesca May   {K:6877} 3/6/2005
I think this is better for the warm colors!
anyway... nice shot!


Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)   {K:4725} 3/6/2005
fantastic !!


Gennaro Guarino   {K:12372} 3/6/2005
great portrait, very good lights and the wind effect


Michael Quaremba   {K:1033} 3/6/2005
This Is Unreal, Perfect Everything Here!!
Don't Show "Jack dRipor", He Luvs His Red Heads!


Ryan Suaverdez   {K:1001} 3/5/2005
Excellent shot. Very dynamic.


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 3/5/2005
great colors and lights, hot shot Kamran !!


angelita mannoni   {K:6102} 3/4/2005
hi kamran, I like very much warm colours.. like fire...


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 3/4/2005
I like the colored one more my friend.
The golden tone and colors add live to it and makes it so intresting..
Good work my friend,


Marie Johnston   {K:1635} 3/3/2005
Excellent lovely shot very strong


Hani Ghayhab   {K:3723} 3/2/2005
G R E A T work


Scott Whitelaw   {K:1434} 3/2/2005


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 3/2/2005
Kamran, I like this version, a stunning image of a very attractive woman.

All the best, John


Arthur Kornienko   {K:9686} 3/1/2005
I prefer the colour because of the model's hair colour and skin tones. Nice job with the lighting. Nice to see you getting into glamour photography. I think you'll probably want to get a sharper lens for this as time goes on. Well done Kamran.


arif GAM   {K:760} 3/1/2005
nice lighting! good compo!


Vikas Dutt   {K:1255} 3/1/2005
Lovely lighting


MErt Y   {K:1984} 3/1/2005
That's great Kamram.
Nice shot, and nice model. I like the smoke at the backside.


Samantha P   {K:1961} 3/1/2005
Superb! Such a warm atmosphere created with this lighting. Well done!


James Philip Pegg James Philip Pegg   {K:10138} 2/28/2005
Delightful the shot! Fine colours and light!


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 2/28/2005
No contest for me, Ilove the colour one. lovely golden tones for the skin, and that hair is amazing, the light catching and the colour is fabulous


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 2/28/2005
Wow, Kamran. Where are you finding these beauties? I haven't seen the B&W but I can tell you I do like the color version. The light on the red hair probably wouldn't be the same in black and white.



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 2/28/2005
Yes Kamran, I like color best simply since I like color!!



frank sotto   {K:1033} 2/27/2005
Kamran, que foto! que cores e movimento! parabéns


FatiH KirtisH FatiH KirtisH   {K:1181} 2/27/2005
frame is to thick but colorful version is very hot and hottest better than B&W :)


Chuck Freeman   {K:13616} 2/27/2005
Beautiful model and great shot. I like this color best


Michael J. Wagner   {K:5896} 2/27/2005
splendid colors!


I g n a c i o D e L a F u e n t e   {K:10518} 2/27/2005
Me gusta mucho más la versión en color!


Gertrud Gozner   {K:14222} 2/27/2005
fantastic lights... great capture.. congrats. G


Luís Lobo Henriques   {K:9002} 2/27/2005


Cheryl Ogle   {K:24494} 2/27/2005
Kamran, I like the color version for the backlighting - it really sets off her hair and pops the action in the shot that gets lost in the B&W. Just my HO... Well done on the shot regardless - they are both great in their own right.


Antonio Ruiz Antonio Ruiz   {K:478} 2/27/2005
Prefiero la versión en color. Tiene más vida.


Korto Malteze   {K:647} 2/27/2005
This is better than B&W. I think it has something to do with how the colours work together. The skin, hair, and background are all a kind of brown. Nice picture. By the way, I am moving you to my associates list, from friends - more appropriate there as I do not know you but will still be able to follow your posts. :)


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 2/27/2005
Great work!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 2/27/2005
I thought I recognized this from the black and white. I like the reddish color here but I am going to vote for the more subdued look of the B&W. Del.


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 2/27/2005
Very sexy. I think I like the brilliance and the light in the color shot, wich is lost in the black and white.


Mark Drago   {K:10902} 2/27/2005
good shot. like the orange.


giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 2/27/2005
una luce fantastica!!!


Bryan Steffy Bryan Steffy   {K:4910} 2/27/2005
way cool image Kamran... great job!!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 2/27/2005
Kamran, beautiful portait
Nice colour


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 2/27/2005
b a n g!!!!!!!! stunning dear Kamran!!!! excellent skin tones!!!!! congrats


Orcun Kozluca Orcun Kozluca   {K:3487} 2/27/2005
good work.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 2/27/2005
Excellent portrait my friend.


Nancy McMullen   {K:908} 2/27/2005
Just stunning! Really like the orange-ish lighting you added to this one! There will always be die-hard B&W photographers, but I have to say that this one really makes one take notice. I think the added color works here because of how this gal looks and what she's doing with her hair. It all works very well. You did a great job!


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 2/27/2005
I like this even better than the B&W !


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 2/27/2005
Either one is great, Kamran, but I like the nice warm glow in this one.


Rebecca Raybon   {K:26654} 2/27/2005
Awesome skin tones here. I think the tones and lighting here make her look more vibrant. Very well done. But the bw is classic. :)


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 2/27/2005
That's soon as I saw this I wondered what BW might look like, then I saw you mentioned that there was one. I checked it and think this is much stronger. Nice work.



k x   {K:5} 2/27/2005
strong colors, i like it. she's a bit out of focus, but other then that, it' s a great shot




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