Larry Clayton
{K:184} 8/6/2010
I still like this Carol. There's a whole movie in this one photo. A world of imagination...Another one of your best!
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 4/4/2005
Beautifully disquieting.
There is so much too see and discover.
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 3/18/2005
Hey -- I think I dated her! LOL...
Peter C.
{K:3076} 3/14/2005
She's hot, scarey as hell but hot...nicely done.
Tom Ross
{K:6453} 3/5/2005
{K:13082} 3/1/2005
You must have one "special" brother...great shot and should keep me up for another hour or so...
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 3/1/2005
Larry, You so funny! Thanks, I think :P
Lawrence DiVizio
{K:2341} 3/1/2005
Carol, creative, different and YIKES! Wow, man, holy cow. Your secret admirer Larry D
Richard Dakin
{K:12915} 3/1/2005
Dark and moody, but very cool.
Sherif Nashaat
{K:946} 3/1/2005
Very creative
A Brito
{K:10699} 3/1/2005
great work !
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/1/2005
Wicked image. I love the effects. The expression is perfect for this. I know your brother will love it.
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 3/1/2005
I just browsed through your portfolio and I am amazed at your creativity. Really powerful stuff.
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 3/1/2005
Excellent composition.
Daniel Stratton
{K:2144} 3/1/2005
This is a very dark and moody piece, congratulations Carol! I like your darker works very much, they show such an interesting display of unusual emotions. Very effectively composited, and highly suggestive. Very dark, very detailed, highly effective.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 3/1/2005
Excellent job! You have an outstanding portfolio!
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 3/1/2005
Larry your such a wierdo!
Larry Clayton
{K:184} 3/1/2005
Hi Carol, The Blair Witch was the best of "no budget" movies. Thanks! Cheer me up? I use "cheer" to wash my laundry. Cheer my laundry up? I've always had dirty laundry. A family thing, I guess. An inverted pentagram on the forehead would have sufficed, but the symbol of Blair-Witch is just as effective. Thanks, Larry P.S. You should do more "evils" of Tiff. She's a natural model. ****Really nice Tiffany!****
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 3/1/2005
Awesome Carol! Really a high impact image! Eerie, abit scary and very dark in more was than one.
Robert Stokes
{K:4509} 3/1/2005
What a great image Carol. The detail is astonishing and really keeps me looking for all the subtle, and not so subtle nuances you have included. To me this feels like genuine goth but with a dose of pop sensibility for good measure. Oh, and it's pretty damn sexy as well. The Hunger is quite tasty.
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 3/1/2005
Thank You so much John. Thats exactly what I strive to do....i'm just not sure anyone else understands that.. :> BTW your work has gotten amazing!
John Fiore
{K:1077} 3/1/2005
Beautiful and macarbre all in one. This one is really compelling and I can see this disturbing some people. That's the point creating emotion and this one will :)
Yulia Gurtin
{K:115} 3/1/2005
Ok, I always knew that men very strange, because they cannot live without us, women. And we, women, have in our soul something from a word that written on a back of image.:)
Amber Leah
{K:174} 3/1/2005
holy crap!
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 3/1/2005
Thanks Yulia..Hopefully my brother loves it :>
Yulia Gurtin
{K:115} 3/1/2005
Oh god. Are you call this Love? Anyway this is your style. Kiss Yulia