{K:4565} 3/15/2005
really nice
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 3/12/2005
Lena, may I borrow this flower to try out in my Jungle of Nool? This is volunteer work for the school play, and this might be perfect in place of the fake ones I made.
Antonia BauerleinSehnert
{K:30599} 3/12/2005
Wow! These would make great Seussical flowers!!!! Great capture.
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 3/12/2005
Spasibo, Dmitry, za comments. Ochen' interesno slyshat' mnenie i konstruktivnyju kritiku drugih fotografov. Mne eto ochen' vashno i ya ochen' vam blagodarna. Spasibo, vsego vam dobrogo. Lena
Dmitry Gringauz
{K:1157} 3/12/2005
Lena, zdravstvuite,
Horoshaya fotka, ochen' horosho osveschena, no neskol'ko nebol'shih zamechanij: beloye piatno v verhnem levom uglu luchshe ubrat', i sdelat' fon ravnomerno chernym; stebel' zatemnit' ili ubrat' v fon; i poakkuratnee kontrolirovat' glubinu rezkozti -- perednie lepestki nerezki, i eto neskol'ko meshaet.
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 3/11/2005
Great capture, Lena! Vse zdorovo kak i v sleduyushchem, no nemnogo strannaya kadrirovka, xotya esli ubrat' zelenyi stebel' bylo by luchshe, kak to ego zdes' zelenogo ne xochetsya:) a xochet'sya poverit' chto eto SUN ili daystar:) Kak zhe mne nravyatsya gerbery:) Spasibo Lena za dostavlennoe udovol'stvie! Bud' schastliva! _Andrei_
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 3/11/2005
Udivitel'no skadrirovano! stol' zdorovo sdelano, mne ochen' ponravilas' vsia seria! Tseluju! ALesha
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 3/10/2005
Elena, this the best one Gerbera Teunis
James Silcock
{K:12501} 3/10/2005
A great floral. I really like the composition and the light area in the background seems to point the viewers eye towards the flower. A few of the close petals are falling out of focus but the most important part, the centre is sharp and crisp. Thanks.
{K:30945} 3/10/2005
My favorite dear Elena of your serie! Kiss, Biliana
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 3/10/2005
This pops right out of the frame, the angle is good, gives it that special something Margaret
{K:26787} 3/10/2005
Hi Elena! Love the contrast against the background! Gorgeous!!!