Title "waiting for something that will never arrives...02" Mini series of two shot. Full of defects but they like me. This one is the worst, the cut on the bottom is orwfull, but... who cares.
No! va bene a me piace tanto anche questa. Sicuramente per una questione affettiva. Questa è piu formale , rispetto l'altra. meno entropica...e sotto quelle operture!!?? un bel groviglio di reti..ahh l'odore del mare... Complimenti e grazie per l'emozioni! Marco
Efisio, the feeling of this image is very intense, I wish I could express it clearly but I can't.One thing is for sure, there is a series of photographs that are all a piece or art for me, and all have this certain feeling of nostalgia, seriousness and dreaming...In my opinion, you move to another, higher level of photography, and although I am not an expert at all, I dare say you compete great photographers here in usefilm,