Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/14/2006
The softness and gentleness of this is very lovley and calming. Mary
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 4/30/2006
So beautifully captured. I like the soft tonality of colour, beautiful composition. Full marks to u for it.
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 10/21/2005
Thank's so much, Vijayaraj! I am glad you like my photos.
Escape Now
{K:-334} 10/21/2005
A wonderful photograph. I like the colors and composition verymuch!
The Macro world you have created with your photographs is really wonderful!
Domjan Svilkovic
{K:3104} 10/20/2005
Thanks Michael for your comment! I do agree with you. Even though I _was_ aming at a simple, peacefull photo, it could benefit from a bit more complexity. Water droplets are a excelent idea. I don't use them enough in my photos. I do have one 'dew photo' that I rather like, though it wasn't received very well: http://www.usefilm.com/image/901496.html
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 10/20/2005
Here I go:
An extremely delicate shot, good assymetry, wonderful faded colors, and good use of DOF.
I like the crisp stamens and details around the petals, as well as the really light and subtle colors, a good feeling overall. The composition is well done.
Overall I'd think this is a good shot. It feels right, has a good interplay of soft, natural light, and a good feel to it.
The next experiment might be to add some really fine water droplets, or some little bit of excitement or creative play to push this into an extraordinary level.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 8/31/2005
showing us your softer side hey? very delicate, I like it alot :)
Gustav Miller
{K:309} 8/24/2005
Fabulous macro image. Great colors and sharp in the right place. Keep up the good work. Gustav
Hayley Barnes
{K:91} 4/29/2005
beautiful macro! gorgeous colour
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/29/2005
A realy outstanding macro with great colours and excellent use of selective focus. I would suggest to rotate a bit clockwise to get the pollen anthers a bit more upright. Great image otherwise. Kind regards. Joggie
Kareem Hamdan
{K:3180} 4/15/2005
very nice details, very good! see you can't find chromatics here.
Regards Kareem
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 4/11/2005
Beautiful colours, composition and great sharpness on the details. I like the softness of the background a lot. Well done Domjan! greetings from The Netherlands, Diana. (7+)
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 4/10/2005
Very delicate and soft. This is lovely. Mary -
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 4/9/2005
So soft and delicate! Bravo
Dragisa Savic
{K:3616} 4/9/2005
Vrlo lepo, Domjane. Jako mi se dopada.
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 4/9/2005
Excellent details Domjan!! Well done! Congrats! Roberto.
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 4/9/2005
Wonderful shot!!! Excellent DOF, colors and composition... well captured!! The 'mood' (soft, romantic) fits the color.... ;-D!!
Giorgio Mesghetz
{K:6724} 4/9/2005
molto delicata,mi piace 7