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.:: kind fly ::.
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Image Title:  .:: kind fly ::.
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 By: Roberto Okamura  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Roberto Okamura {Karma:22851}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Canon EOS 350D
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Insects
Lens Canon 15-55mm +3 close-up filter
Uploaded 5/3/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 434 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 34 Rating
/ 16 Ratings
Location City -  Cuiabá
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About Well. I found this colorful insect looked like a fly. I don?t know what is it, really.
Bandeira Community.
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.:: / ::.

.:: Mutum ::.

.:: ******* ::.

Black & red

.:: Armadeira Spider ::.

.:: seeds ::.

.:: papayaṀs eater ::.


City Aquarium

.:: cardume #3 ::.

There are 34 Comments in 1 Pages
Guido Tweepenninckx Guido Tweepenninckx   {K:20076} 5/6/2005
very nice macro,must be sort of hoover fly


Len Webster Len Webster   {K:25714} 5/5/2005
This is really splendid. Very professional in its detail.


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 5/5/2005
My God ! Roberto the color and sharpness of this shot in incredible.7/7


James Silcock   {K:12501} 5/5/2005
Beautiful detail in this hover-fly macro Roberto. The colours and venation in the wings are a joy to look at. Great work as always.



Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 5/5/2005
Well this 'fly' has very impressive colorations.
Nice capture with good detail.



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/4/2005
Beautiful fly and nice sharpness which makes it possible to study every detail on it. The dof isgreat as wellas the colours!



Marcello C   {K:169} 5/4/2005
I really love your macro picture. Very very neat and great colors.


?Estas completamente loco querido amigo, en el sitio donde fotografio a las moscas volando hay muchas libélulas , pero, no puedo acercarme a ellas son muy tímidas, si sacas una foto de una volando te merecerías todos los premios!!!!!!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 5/4/2005
Olá Armando, pesquisei no google com o nome "Eristalis tenax" e veio várias fotografias deste inseto. Comparando as características de sua indicação com a minha foto do inseto, creio não é a mesma espécie mas é bem parecido, mas com alguas diferenças nos desenhos no corpo e a "Eristalis tenax" aparenta ser mais peluda.
Ainda estou tentando achar uma classificação mais precisa!
Bom quanto à uma foto boa e nítida de insetos voando, a um bom tempo tenho tentado das libélulas voando, mas ainda não consegui! Elas também estão me deixando louco!!! jejeje.
Grande abraço querido amigo e muito obrigado pelo suporte aqui no UF.


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 5/4/2005
great details and beautiful colors and compositions ,the close up filter did work very well here,very best regards my friend


James Bambery   {K:13421} 5/4/2005
Roberto, I looked in my book and could not make a match. The closest thing I could get it to is a hoverfly which is in the bee family but the markings of your critter are not the same.



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 5/4/2005
Whatever it is, it's very colourful, Roberto! Great capture of it!


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 5/4/2005
Looks like a cross between a fly and bee!! LOL
I don't know what it is either.
Very nice clarity, and details.

Nice work,
Have a GR8 day/evening!
Lori :)


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 5/3/2005
Hi Bryan.
Follow the exif:
Focal Lenght 55mm
ISO 400


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 5/3/2005
That is a great coloured -'whatever' brilliant detail fantastic capture


Gilberto Santa Rosa   {K:11147} 5/3/2005
\parece-me uma abelha, mas não estou certo que seja a apontada pelo Armando...


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 5/3/2005
roberto sei semplicemente fantastico


giovanni guido marchi giovanni guido marchi   {K:27040} 5/3/2005
eccellente dettaglio!!!


Elisabeth D'Amico   {K:6674} 5/3/2005
Oooohh. It is seems that it's not real for how it's nicely taken. You never stop to surprise me with your pictures.


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 5/3/2005
Roberto, ebautiful Macro


Dr. Rafael Springmann Dr. Rafael Springmann   {K:89517} 5/3/2005
Another excellent macro, Roberto, with brilliant colors precise details and good dof.
Thank you for your kind words about my "Figure 3."
Salutas and Shalom,


Bryan Jarmain   {K:11941} 5/3/2005
Lovely shot, Roberto. Quite sharp. Did you use F/32 or smaller here?


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 5/3/2005
Very colourful ,cheers,Subhash.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 5/3/2005
what a "fly" dear Roberto!!! almost bee like!!!!! excellent macro shot!!!!!! so fine colors!!!congrats
best regards


Zannoni Matteo   {K:12211} 5/3/2005
bella e dettagliata cattura,

Pace e salute, M.


7 +++++++++++++++++++ roberto, that it is the same insect that I photographed flying and neither he/she knew what was but I discovered in google:
Family: Sirphidae.
Name scientific: Eristalis tenax (I Line).
Name common: Dronefly
Fly of medium size to big, naked or with "hair", the adults are frequently in flowers where some are confused with bees for their general aspect. Vivid Color that can present fringes or yellow stains, orange has more than enough blue or black bottom. Big head with front projection; antennas of three segments. Eyes separated in the female ones and together in the males. Big thorax, rarely with sows. Normal paws, big wings. abdomen from 4 to 5 very defined segments.
Flight type: Their flight is characteristic to allow them to stop in the air and then fly quickly in any direction.
I add you my pic so you can see , god bless you


matthew morgan   {K:1539} 5/3/2005
unreal macro great detail i realy like your work


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 5/3/2005
My dear friend Roberto,what a beautiful macro shot
the details are just superb
Many thanks for kind commment "Friendship"
Best regards


Angelo Villaschi Angelo Villaschi   {K:49617} 5/3/2005
Muito bom foco para uma bela imagem de história natural, Roberto.

Aqui na Europa e na América do Norte é facílimo achar vários tipos de guias de aves, insetos etc. para as espécies daqui. No Brasil eu procurei mas nao encontrei - uma pena!


soul 21 soul 21   {K:27572} 5/3/2005
complimenti 7


Özgür ipek   {K:662} 5/3/2005
Exellent macro Roberto, details are superb, congratulations, best regards


Laurie Gould   {K:11942} 5/3/2005
Amazing macro shot! Wonderful detail and great color contrast.


James Bambery   {K:13421} 5/3/2005
Excellent macro Roberto, he is some sort of bee. I will look him up in my insect field guide and see if I can find out what type for you. Mind you my guide is for North American insects and I don't know if he will be in it. Looks like we are on the same track with our photo's:)



James Bambery   {K:13421} 5/3/2005
Excellent macro Roberto, he is some sort of bee. I will look him up in my insect field guide and see if I can find out what type for you. Mind you my guide is for North American insects and I don't know if he will be in it.





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