Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 7/5/2005
Wow!!! Great!!! Congratulations!!!! How cool it was to check out my email and see this! Great Shot and well deserved!!!!
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/4/2005
Thanks Lynne appreciate your comment. BTW - your son is a real cutie. Jan
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 7/4/2005
Try something in black and white.
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/4/2005
Thanks again Mary - the front page news was a pleasant surprise. Jan
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/4/2005
Sure was excited Ellen - didn't know anything about it until I got Margaret's comment. It does give you incentive to try harder. I'd like to earn (win) something in some of the other categories. Always need to have a goal. Jan
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/4/2005
Thanks Linda - sure was surprised about making the front page - kinda gives you incentive to keep trying to do better! I'm so new to this, I don't even know how these awards are selected. Jan
Lynne Stacey
{K:529} 7/3/2005
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/2/2005
Janice, congratulations on making the front page news! Mary
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 7/2/2005
Front page! OMG that's wonderful!!! how excited are you tell me tell me? Doesn't it make you feel like you won a blue ribbon at the fair. Nice going Jan.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/2/2005
Janice this is so very beautiful. Wonderful clarity and focus, and a beautiful composition, congrats on the award...well deserved...Linda
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 7/2/2005
Thank you Margaret - I really like what you did. It does set the flower off a lot better. Sure was surprised to check out what you said about the front page! Gives me incentive to improve. Wow, wait until Rob sees this. Thanks for all of your comments on my other recent uploads too. The picture Ken dedicated to you, (the one he said I could use in the quilt that I'm making) looks really great in fabric! Guess I will need to print this one in fabric too - and add to the quilt! Jan
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/2/2005
Janice So great to see you on the front page, what a beautiful composition, and brilliant colour with good detail too.Like the contrast between the yellow and dark background - I made the grey area a bit darker to emphasise the contrast see if you like Margaret
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/21/2005
Okay Peter - my three uploads for today were taken using those settings that you recommended. What do you think? For EV, my camera has 0, then + .3, .7, 1., 1.3, 1.7, 2.0 and the negative has the same choices so I went to +.3. The sharpness was set at 1. I'll mess around with bumping the + up another level, and then another level, etc. and see what happens. Ditto the sharpness. Should I print each picture at the different EV's and the different in camera sharpness settings? Is there enough difference between them so that I would notice? Jan
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/20/2005
Thanks Mari - appreciate you looking at my photo and taking the time to comment. Jan
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 6/20/2005
Beautiful picture, lovely composition, Jan!
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 6/20/2005
Wonderful Photograph Janice, Great Colors and Clarity. Very well presented. Suggest trying an experiment, since these are available to take several shots of... Try playing with two settings available with your camera and see what they do... I think you will be pleased with some of the results... Exposure Compensation +/- 2.0EV in 1/3EV increments In-Camera Sharpening +/- 2 in 1 step increments
Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the wonderful comments on my Photos... I enjoy sharing all this information. It dawned on me that these photos are available to whole world and many may never see these images we capture in real life. I too learn from this information. GOD Bless... Your friend, Peter Daniel
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/19/2005
For sure Brian - nice to have flowers around while we are still around to appreciate their beauty. Jan
brian daws
{K:3376} 6/19/2005
Great shot Janice...double the pleasure..a nice pic and super flowers in the house..Regards, Brian
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/19/2005
I appear to be getting them - but had to log in and use my password today for the first time since I registered - it's never done that before. Weird, huh? Usually I just go in to usefilm, and click on my usefilm - but wasn't there this morning. Jan
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 6/19/2005
Hi Janice. It'me again. Are you getting your UF emails? Since yesterday, I haven't been. But, my computer is acting up so I'm wondering if it's just me having a problem or a UF problem like once before. If you reply here, I'll see your note. Mary
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/19/2005
Thanks Mary - appreciate your kind words - Jan
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/19/2005
Ellen - just used the camera and whatever natural light was in the room. I do have an Ott light - but that's for my quilting. Jan
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 6/19/2005
Janice, this is wonderful! All those beautiful yellows. Superb composition. MAry
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 6/19/2005
What kind of light source did you use? I can't get color like that indoors. Oh please don't tell me it was one of the exspensive Ott lights.
Jan Graziano
{K:17920} 6/19/2005
Thank you, and thank you Ellen. Nope, paid cash money for those flowers, and stuck 'em in a vase at home. Stuff and feathers - I have not! LOL Jan
Ellen Smith
{K:14418} 6/19/2005
Jan OMG this is spectacular! Everything is right on the money. Your lighting is to die for were you at the grocery store? Dang I'm going to have to watch who I tutor from now on you have far exceded my skills.