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Left Behind
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Image Title:  Left Behind
Favorites: 1 
 By: Kelly Gamble  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Kelly Gamble  Kelly Gamble {Karma:632}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Canon Powershot
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lifestyles
Lens default
Uploaded 7/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 1752 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 44 Rating
/ 15 Ratings
Location City -  Oakley
State -  CA
Country - United States   United States
About Looks to me like her friends have gone to play and left her out, and shes watching them from a distance. :( I think we have all felt like this before!
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Jason Machen Jason Machen   {K:2610} 11/16/2008
Congratulations! You have many great images in your portfolio. Best wishes.


Jim Gamble   {K:12164} 11/16/2008
Good shot!
As we have the same last name, I'm adding you to my friends list. Maybe we might be distance cousins?
And even if not, its still cool to meet someone with the same last name in CA.
You can also find me on facebook, just look for, Jimmy Gamble.


Aniko Heart Aniko Heart   {K:26503} 6/4/2007
Stunning work of art Kelly!

CONGRATULATIONS on all the well deserved awards for this fine image!

Best Wishes,
Aniko :)


Kerry Nobbs Kerry Nobbs   {K:2800} 5/13/2007
Wow beautiful but stands alone with the title in feeling left out, fits to a "T". Great emotional image. The image is a really nice dimensional picture. Nicely done...Kerry


Koteiba Fayyad Koteiba Fayyad   {K:3539} 5/12/2007
nice tones ...... really nice


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 5/9/2006
.....a pleasure to see this shot on the front page again Kel, liked it when I first saw it and that hasn't changed, congratulations on your award, well deserved. cheers, david.


Ron Wilson Ron Wilson   {K:18362} 4/21/2006
Amazing work. I too think that it has a 3d or IR look to it. Well done and congrats all around.


Krzysztof Lisiak   {K:707} 8/12/2005
awesome shot, great title, regards, K


Alexander Uspeshny   {K:482} 7/23/2005
My first association is Alice in Wonderland... Very well done... Great enigmatic feeling!


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 7/23/2005
Fantastic expression , very dramatic picture.
Congratulations Kelly !!


david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 7/23/2005
nice atmosphere Kel, well done and congratulations on your awards, recognition for excellent work is a great thing and you deserve it for this shot, it is very strong, an unusual and pleasing effect that you are mastering. kind regards, david.


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 7/22/2005
Nice Portrait. Soft and crispy shot. Light is superb here.


Cristina D Cristina D   {K:8080} 7/22/2005
She looks so good with a doll.
Wonderful photo!



Francesca May   {K:6877} 7/22/2005
nice work! congrats for SC and BIP! :)


B:)liana    {K:30945} 7/22/2005
Nice one. congratulations!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 7/22/2005
hey, girl,you are photographer of the day on the front page!...and tho' was first commenter on this one July 2, i wasn't aware of your awards,so congrats for those,too!...very well deserved,Kelly...still has that haunting quality to my eye which is very appealing...regards,gayle
Tell Jenna she rocks! ;>


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/22/2005


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/6/2005
awesome.. and congrats for the double award well deserved it!


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 7/5/2005
way to go on this shot. excellent composition and excellent tones. congrats on the awards here.


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 7/5/2005
Congratulations on these two very well deserved awards Kelly...way to go, keep it up...:):)linda


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 7/5/2005
Oh Kelly thank you, you are one of the artists I look up to. Your style can best be described as casual classic it's amazing. Thank you for adding me to your friends list.


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
Pan, my friend, thank you so much! Yes, I thought the title was appropriate! The thanks really goes to my little girl, Jenna. Shes a wonderful model!



Kelly    {K:20268} 7/5/2005
oh thanks kelly... that s a lovely thing to say... but you don't need inspiration from me... your standing pretty good on your own.. your a fantastic photographer with a great eye....
well done again..


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
Paul, Im very inpressed with the fact your photos are natural(min. PS). They are all amazing! Thank you for your comments!



Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
Thanks Kel, and Congrats to you double time! You really are a inspiration for me!



Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
Angela, Thank you so much, I played for hours on the tones,I kept changing them. I love your photos..."Peek a boo" and "Sleeping beauty" I love photos of children, those honost ackward expressions really bring so much to an image. Thanks again!



Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
I love the fact my photo and Jenna could spark a memory for you, hopefully a good one. Thats really what its all about! You are a fantastic photographer and im very flattered you commented on my work! :) Thank you!



Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/5/2005
Thank you liz! Very happy you liked the photo!



pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 7/4/2005
Lovely captured Kelly, the tones are superb and the picture is successfully depicting the title "Left behind".


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 7/3/2005
interesting image.. like the mood.. nice processing work... congrats on the BIP and SC award


Kelly    {K:20268} 7/3/2005
CONGRATS kel on SC and BIP... well done.. love the comp and colouring here.... great work...


Angela Freed   {K:10061} 7/2/2005
Very dramatic shot. Interesting tones and shadows.



Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 7/2/2005
Oh my Kelly you have just ripped this out of my childhood. She is even wearing the same boots. Very good shot all around.


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/2/2005
Thank you Patrick! I have a very dramatic child...LOL Jenna is really good for those Emotional, moody shots...Its all her! Thank you!


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/2/2005
Your a doll!! Thank you



Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 7/2/2005
Well you just keep right on playing...I like what you're doing...:):)Linda


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/2/2005
Thank you Linda! I monochromed it, then played around with the filters..the green gives it that creapy feel. Then used the saturation and select color and added a soft omni. I basically just play, I dont really know what Im doing...LOL Im a total virgin with Photoshop. Need all the help I can get. All I have is a little point and shoot camara. You all have been a great help to me. Thanks again Linda!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 7/2/2005
Kelly this is've been really putting out some wonderful portraits...I like the way she's walking into the frame, the strong tones on here but the somewhat desaturated did you do's all about her and you did a wonderful job to bring her out in this image..very well done...:):)Linda


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 7/2/2005
Such a mysterious pose and the colors are so special here.. i think this is a scary photo! =) I like this one alot.. very moody and different! 6+


Patrick J


Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 7/2/2005
Kelly, this is a very unique image. I like the desaturation. The emotion in the girls body language is very strong.Your "about" is probably all too correct.


Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/2/2005
Yes! Your english is perfect and so is your photo.."Love in motion" I love it! Thank you so much for you comments!



Kelly Gamble Kelly Gamble   {K:632} 7/2/2005
Thank you Gayle, It does kind of have a haunting feel to it, doesn`t it? I didnt see it that way. Yes, I feel like this to, I guess thats why I was attracted to it! Thank you so much for the time you took to look at my photo! :)



andrea giuseppe   {K:3122} 7/2/2005
I like your portrait with the taste of the ancient (is my english siffucient?) I like this photo


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 7/2/2005
hi, there is a haunting quality about this image...the girl stands out almost 3-D like with her dark attire and white skin...the surrounding trees/bushes/grasses have an almost IR quality...very unique with the effects,Kelly...the image conveys your about very well...and i feel more like this now at times than i ever did as a kid...regards,gayle




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