prashant bhat
{K:504} 6/9/2008
thanks mohamed
regards prshant bhat
Mohamed Elmaymony
{K:1136} 6/9/2008
wow , I like it so much .
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/23/2005
thx vijay
Vijay Kurhade
{K:10118} 7/23/2005
quite well done, sply mood thrgh eyes
jeff crow
{K:64} 7/21/2005
verry hot looking
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/13/2005
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 7/12/2005
This is a real wonderful portrait Prashant, I like the compositin, tones and colors, very well done, cheers,
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/12/2005
thanks mike
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/12/2005
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/12/2005
sorry for the crop louis
guess need an experianced editor like you to learn more but thanks for every thing and please do keep commenting on my work thats the only way i can improve thanks again regards prshant bhat
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/12/2005
tanks mohamed prashant
Mike Middendorffi
{K:371} 7/12/2005
The lighting, expression and composition work extremely well together in this shot. . .very well done.
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 7/12/2005
Hey nice one here.. Sexy shot.. I love the toning. Good work.
Amazing to see how asymetrical her face looks. Watch closely.. Cover the left/ right and see the difference. I don't mind the crop though.. Keep the mystery... ha ha
Louis Mantanna
{K:685} 7/12/2005
very nice lady, great tone and a nicely styled image, but why such a sad crop? I think you must reload the picture with a better crop. Keep everthing as is. cheers Louis.
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 7/12/2005
Well done photo
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 7/12/2005
beautiful work , i dont like very much the crop
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 7/12/2005
very creative,, well done 7/7
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/12/2005
thanks joanna
joanna ewa
{K:8061} 7/12/2005
interesting very much particularly the eyes:) regards