prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/24/2005
got it dude
and thanks for spending so much time for me
Mihir Shah
{K:837} 7/24/2005
hey prashant, here is the ps'd version. all i did was use the simple burn feature. Well i am not that well versed to photoshop, but i am sure many others could do a million times better job then this. But overall i just wanted to reduce the amount of cathlight in her eyes. i hope this helps.

jeff crow
{K:64} 7/21/2005
great effect
lovely closeup
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/20/2005
thanks rona
Rona K **
{K:2375} 7/20/2005
Bravo! 7+++
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/20/2005
thanks karen
Karen Ambrose
{K:179} 7/19/2005
Wonderful shot & pretty model.
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/19/2005
thanks patrick
{K:3307} 7/19/2005
Nice portrait !
prashant bhat
{K:504} 7/19/2005
hey mihir please do the right corrections as per you on ps and show me the image i will be glad
thanks for taking out your time
Mihir Shah
{K:837} 7/19/2005
very nice effect, prashant. nice composition, well shot and developed. did you do the devoloping yourself?
the only thing i would see changed IMO, is that the catchlights are little too big and distracting. maybe burn a little or use ps to reduce the effect. But as i said thats my view. And under no circumstances does it take anything from this picture, which is excellent in itself.
my compliments.