amazing balanced composition in B&W i like it i think you have to choose a project for this strong shot and you will win the BIP well done,,and good luck 7 sure
Wow again :). I'm impressed to hear that everything (particularly the lighting and the setting/background) was original, not prepped or edited in, you are either very talented, very lucky, or most likely, both. Also converting to B&W was an excellent choice, it definitely enhances this shot and gives it that much more depth and meaning - it makes it much more poignant and dramatic, to be sure. Again, congratulations on a job well done.
Thank you so much for commenting. The only PS here was conversion to BW. Also the lighting is original - dark background is a dark forest on the other side of a river. The birds seat on the remains of an old bridge.
Wow, my first thought when I saw it: Oh.. I like this. I really like this shot, the composition, focus, lighting etc. all seem to work nicely, and black & white is perfect. The title does a great job of tying everything together too. I am curious as to the lighting, is it natural light? Also, did you P.S. this at all, or is everything original/untouched (particularly the clear black background)? Just curious, regardless of how it was done, it's still a great shot. Thanks for showing it, keep it up.
Haha, nice title, but I actually look at the photo and think that the seagull is in control, and doesnt want to hang out with the feral pigeons anyway.