Mary Brown
{K:71879} 8/24/2005
I like the subtle tone and framing of the other one. However, the gentle glow of this one is very lovely and personally appealing to me. Thanks for the explanation of channel mixing. Mary
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 8/19/2005
I just wrote an action for Photoshop CS to automate your settings. E-mail me if you want it.
Brenda Guiles
{K:6128} 8/14/2005
Dried and shriveled... Not how I like my peaches, but do know that the color toning is a bit better here, still I think they look like nuts, your peaches have lost their peachiness Angelo. And I have lost my appetite. :~S
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/14/2005
See my reply to Sally. I bare it all there... ;)
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 8/14/2005
This is damn cool. How do you do this?
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 8/14/2005
This is damn cool. How do you do this?
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 8/14/2005
I like the triangle in your composition and your sophisticated thought processes/brain, but the rest I'm not so sure about...I can't say it's beautiful...hahahaha...the focus is bothering my eyes just a bit...but the explanation is wonderful...thank you...interesting and inspiring...:):)Linda
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 8/14/2005
Too clever for me Angelo.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 8/14/2005
Spectacular color and detail - I love the limited DOF - can you describe how you acheived the color with the chaneel mixer?...never mind I see you did it below - great shot - K
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 8/14/2005
Well, that was a good lesson. I learned something new today. I difinitely like the non cross-processing better. They seem to have more depth and more saturation of color. Well done, once again, Angelo!
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 8/14/2005
Thanks for the reply Angelo - I'm going to go and play with my channel mixer right now!
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/14/2005
No problem, Sally.
Cross-processing originally refers to processing film in the wrong chemistry. For example, most 35mm colour negative film is supposed to be developed using what is known as the C-41 process (what all minilabs do). Colour positive film (slides) is supposed to be developed using the E-6 process.
Hence you can go into a photo store and ask to buy "C-41" or "E-6" film or chemicals and they would probably (still) understand what you are talking about.
It was soon found out that if one shot a negative film and then developed it in C-41 chemicals, the results would be photos with funky shifted colours, which could be quite a pleasant effect.
The results vary depending on the specific film and chemicals used, and whether you did C-41 film in E-6 process or vice-versa.
I tried to duplicate the effects of the shifted colours via a Channel Mixer layer in Photoshop. In this particular case I inserted a layer (Layer>New adjustment layer>Channel mixer) and then changed the default setting to the following:
In the red channel, red: 50, green: 23, blue: 40. Green channel: 25, 50, 25. Blue channel: 15, 25, 50.
Here's a version without the colour shifting.
no x-processing |
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 8/14/2005
I like the colour and the contrast more in this one - but I like the border from the other one! I know that cross-processing is something you can do in wet developing - but I don't know what it means, or how to do it in the channel mixer - can you enlighten me?
{K:333} 8/14/2005
These definitely look past their prime! I like the tones and detail. No one can accuse you of posting boring photos. This is very well done, and I like it, though I never thought I'd find myself saying that about dried up fruit! Carolyn
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/14/2005
Very confusing Angelo, I really like the lighting in this one and the details, On the other one, I like the mood and the tones :) I know i am not a big help in here, But i am trying my best :) I like them both :) This one a little more, Kind regards,
Marcia .
{K:16108} 8/14/2005
Gostei mais dos tons e texturas desta foto. As superfícies das frutas ganharam um tom dourado aqui... a textura está mais evidente. Mas tudo depende do efeito que se quer conseguir... a outra está mais aveludada.... maybe to keep a soft tender memory... ;-)
Abraços, Márcia.
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 8/14/2005
Not very appetising but a nice image! Nive effect...
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 8/14/2005
Bela composição Angelo! Gostei do jogo de dof! Parabéns! Roberto.