{K:8643} 1/15/2006
Great job, you look like you were having a great time too. I wanted to go there as I live in Staffordshire but nobody I know wanted to go :-(
You made a good choice with the B+W in my opinion. If I were to offer any adjustments it would be to increase the contrast slightly, other than that, a moment well captured. Keep up the good work!
since deleted
{K:29} 8/27/2005
Peace, Love, Squalor. A happy snap. Welcome to Usefilm, Aimee.
Richard Belli
{K:76} 8/26/2005
Welcome to the site. I like the B/W - reminds me of the peace children of the 60s
Imrana Kapetanovic
{K:975} 8/26/2005
Right moment captured. Excellent
Roberta Higina
{K:1632} 8/25/2005
Good shot... Kisses Roberta
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 8/25/2005
A hearty moment that has enhanced with the BW converting!
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 8/24/2005
Three great portraits in one, nice work. Just looking at it made me smile, thanks for sharing! Go spoons!!!
Janet B
{K:16139} 8/24/2005
Fun capture! Love the 'real life' feel!
aimee felstead
{K:514} 8/24/2005
Thanks for the comment. I would have liked the picture but unfortunately my digital camera didn't like the sun and some of the colours turned out wrong, so the only way I could correct it was to make it B&W.
{K:14339} 8/24/2005
Thanks for commenting on my shot Aimee.
Your image works well in B+W, but as there are so many tones, id like to see the original colour version. Im guessing, maybe wrongly that it may work better.
Welcome to usefilm!!
Morc Piantedos
{K:21834} 8/24/2005
welcome in UF, aimee. a smiley and habby debut photo. regards m
aydin turker
{K:3988} 8/24/2005
b/w provides 60s mood.. cheerful moment. I wish I were there ;) best wishes.
Farsheed Parto
{K:357} 8/24/2005
Dear Aimee,
My deduction, From your single photograph, is that you are a new-comer to our friendly club.
Welcome and good luck to you.