Too few camera's around pre ww2,so more than often it was a studio photo...1939 my parents and I ...months before my Dad was called up to fight for his Country....aren't we all so very serious,but maybe needed to be..
It is really interesting that you mentioned seriousness, it seems that people didn't smile or cautiuosly smiled to the camera during that time, magical image!
This photo has atmosphere and beauty, and when you consider the technology available at the time, it must have been like painting with light. It is also an image of style, elegance, of love. That beautiful and elegant lady looks rather like Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. The gentleman is also very handsome, yet his expression is hard to fathom, to me at least. The little girl is a peach and would have had to had to remain still throughout goodness knows how long the exposure was? Maybe 5 or even ten seconds?
This is a photo I shall treasure - and of course now it is on the net and in digital form, it will last forever.