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I hope she doesn't mind…
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Image Title:  I hope she doesn't mind?
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 By: Chris Spracklen  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Chris Spracklen {Karma:32552}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Landscape
Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Photoart
Lens Nikon AF-S 18-70 ED DX
Uploaded 9/23/2005 Film / Memory Type SanDisk 1GB CF
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 570 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 48 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Ambleside
State -  CUMBRIA
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About ?but a blue denim skirt just didn't work!!!

So I changed it to red!!

I'm sure she'd understand!

Best regards to all,

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There are 48 Comments in 1 Pages
Kunal Mehta   {K:2496} 10/21/2005
Excellent composition and colors. Very well done.


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 10/3/2005
relaxing and beautiful view


Mike Frakes   {K:3349} 10/3/2005
If she knew the quality of your shots I am pretty sure she would have jumped to be in it.. and even gone to warddrobe to make your life easier! Better carry some modelling agreements around with you just in case!! and maybe carry around some spare clothes???


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 9/26/2005
Great image Chris , Brilliant composition , I like it very much , kind regards .



Alastair Bell   {K:29571} 9/26/2005
Early morning Chris?
No people gives it away!
Beautiful shot and one I would be proud to have taken myself...

And that red dress does work well!



Richard Dakin   {K:12915} 9/26/2005
Great composition Chris. Perhaps you should get an allowance from the Tourism Board. You "sell" the countryside to the world.


Tad Cholinski   {K:179} 9/26/2005
great photo... very impressive portfolios
well done, congratulations


Ian Sharp   {K:1762} 9/26/2005
Excellent image Chris, composition and capture of colour is 1st class.

Regards Ian
North Queensland, Australia


cessy karina   {K:14205} 9/26/2005
lol :))
If she saw this picture, she will buy a red skirt :)
very nice picture, Chris
beautiful colors


Clifton Jones Clifton Jones   {K:10688} 9/25/2005
Very beautiful scene captured so well...excellent work......


Maria Conversano Maria Conversano   {K:2666} 9/25/2005
She'll be grateful for her position in a so wonderful picture! Really perfectelly composed and exposed! It's fantastic!


Giorgio Goretti   {K:15471} 9/25/2005
Absolutely excellent, and the color change works very time, why not WITHOUT skirt? ;-)) LOL!
cheers, Giorgio


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 9/24/2005
Can't imagine why you wouldn't want more blue in the shot, Chris! Very nice composition and perspective of the pier, btw!


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 9/24/2005
Very nice shot! Lovely colors and reflections... its beautiful. And nice work on the skirt.


julie hugill julie hugill   {K:6730} 9/24/2005
Stunning blues another lovely capture by you Chris !!



Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 9/24/2005
Very nice scene, Chris, and the spot of red is in just the right place. It does make a better why should she mind. Well done! Regards, Larry.


Ismet Smajis Ismet Smajis   {K:6911} 9/24/2005
very very nice wonderful colours and reflections
I like it,very much!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 9/24/2005
Excellent landscape and reflections Chris!
Beautiful colors saturation!
Great work!


Ivan Kralik   {K:1099} 9/24/2005
Very, very nice shot Chris.


Fabio Ficola   {K:10466} 9/24/2005
Nice work,
I would never tought about changing the skirt colour,
But it think it's better PS than asking her to change dresses while walking on the dock :-)

Have a great WE. -Fabio


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 9/24/2005
Optimal cut,veru nice the color and scene.


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 9/24/2005
The blue tone of the image is amazing Chris.... as if the sky merges in the water.
I think the choice of the red color for the skirt was just perfect in here.
Great capture my friend,


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/24/2005
"Hornswoggled"! Now there's a new one!
Sounds like you're a bit bushed, Jim! Whacked out, as we say!
Well, take it easy pal!
Meanwhile I look forward to your next upload!
Best regards, Chris


Hakan AKIRMAK Hakan AKIRMAK   {K:15913} 9/24/2005
Great work Chris!
Wonderful blue sky and perfect reflections on the water! Everything is great! Congratulations!


patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 9/24/2005
hi Chris,
a beautiful very delicate and suggestive image.
I like a lot the color azzuro and all of his/her sfamatures


Yahya El Hosafy Yahya El Hosafy   {K:8369} 9/24/2005
very amazing colors and DOF.
very well done and red skirt fits best.
who is paying for it ;)
well done here.


Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 9/24/2005
Very pretty, nice diagonals. I am fine but work and the trip have had me hornswoggled.


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 9/24/2005
I'm sure she doesn't mind at all Chris! Lovely shot. The colors are just wonderful! Nicely done!


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 9/24/2005
Beautiful photo. You're right, the red adds just the right splash of color. Nicely done (as always) Your photos are a cut above!


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 9/24/2005
Hahaha, beautiful blues, and (red) and wonderful reflections on the water, gorgeous composition, very nicely done Chris as always...Linda


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 9/24/2005
Did you shorten it Chris?? The lady is well placed in this beautiful scene. Nothing prettier than ladies and water. Don.


Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 9/24/2005
Wonderful place! very baeautiful shot, great colors and composition
Well done Chris


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 9/23/2005
Nice choice of square crop Chris, and I'm sure she won't mind!!



7+++++++++++++++++ all perfect!!! God bless you


Carolyn Wiesbrock   {K:14051} 9/23/2005
A little piece of paradise..outstanding work, Chris!


sherif hussein   {K:13815} 9/23/2005
Prefect capture Chris
Excellent composition & beautiful blue color
I agree to chang the skirt color to red it add to this photo and sure she would not mind if she this beauty
Congrats ny friend


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/23/2005
Hey, it's nice to hear from you, Lori ~ I appreciate you dropping by!
Have a great weekend yourself.
My best regards, Chris


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/23/2005
What a delightful photo this is! Beautiful day, and you've captured it very nicely.

She is the central focal point.
Well seen and photographed Chris.

Sorry I've not been around....Sooo busy the past month, and much more to do. But, I'll catch up (hopefully) soon!

Have a GR8 day Chris,
Lori :)


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/23/2005
Well, the sky was sort of there, Carsten ~ I just had to compress it a touch to make it fit the square!!
Thanks for your kind comment.
Best regards, Chris


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 9/23/2005
Well spotted, Neil! Just didn't think of that!!!
So here's the newly doctored version?


Red reflection

tabi mahmoud   {K:2270} 9/23/2005
wonderful colours....good shot..


Neil Niamh White Neil Niamh White   {K:9165} 9/23/2005
Ah yes - someone gave a clue n their comment, but you forgot to change the colour in her reflection (I have a feeling that wouldn't have been quite so easy!)

But it is an excellent image. I must make it up that way sometime.



Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 9/23/2005
I would not have noticed your tweak... Nice idea ! Let me guess: the sky was there, right ;-)

Have a nice weekend



Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 9/23/2005
You change skies, skirts..... I wonder what you'll change next.... LOL!!! Nice shot!!! Great crop and composition, beautiful (BLUE) colors, nice view... well captured!!! BTW why not wait untill she a: jumped in or b: got off the pier again.... then you didn't have that 'problem'.... ;-D!!!
Oh yes and Hydrangea in Dutch... that would be: Hortensia... and I'll bet that pronouncing that one isn't such a problem.... LOL!!!


Gianes Ma Gianes Ma   {K:26069} 9/23/2005
Great colors and definition.
Beautiful work, Regards,


Merete Westerdahl   {K:11079} 9/23/2005
It's amazing..the blue colour... ) Wonderfull..and the reflection is so great too. I'm sure she has always dreamed of having a red skirt.. ;o)'re fun..



Lee Harris   {K:14694} 9/23/2005
A beautiful shot Chris and you did a great job changing the dress color...
Adds a little humor to the shot with your description.
I would have never known had you not told all.
Kind Regards.


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 9/23/2005
perfect oolors in your world, Chris!




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