Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/19/2005
Looks like a room full of laughter and i love the fork position!...regards,gayle
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 10/9/2005
?El flow de las esquinas está hecho a posta, o has metido el objetivo en la tarta? La verdad es que a mi no me gusta mucho ese filtro, pero en esta foto queda muy bien porque te centra la vista en la escena. Explosión de alegría.
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 10/2/2005
..y de ké se reiran?? quizas de..bueno no se.me gusta mucho el degradado desenfoque hacia el exterir de la foto, bueno, eso por no hablar de la ranchi tarta supelujosa delamuerte!! :))
Paul Paul
{K:5362} 10/2/2005
> weddings of the higher classes in Turkey tend to be a rather boring affair
You know, I can't remember having ever been to a wedding that was any fun at all.
> surgically enhanced by the same plastic surgeon
Ha!! Yes, even in my lowlife corner of the world, there is an overwhelming artificial conformity in bodies and dress and terms of reference used. Stemming from unspoken desperate internecine competition for enhanced social status. You get bonus points for attending a wedding with a small child.
> Have a look to my last picture, that was another.
Already have, big man! A wonder to behold!!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/2/2005
Thanks Paul, the weddings of the higher classes in Turkey tend to be a rather boring affair, you tend to bump into the same old faces, most of them surgically enhanced by the same plastic surgeon and a certain feeling of deja-vu from once face to the other... Still, once in a while you have some really joyous affairs.. this one was one of them. Have a look to my last picture, that was another.
Paul Paul
{K:5362} 10/2/2005
Wow! This is brilliant. You have dazzlingly joyous dreamy glow and bustly movement and interactive laughter, and a fork up the lady's nose for comic effect, and a sinister cake, waiting silently to pounce in ambush when nobody is looking. The child appears to have noticed what the adults have not.
You make me want to sell all my furniture and move to Turkey and have fun (I will bring my own cake)!!