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everyone loves a hug
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Image Title:  everyone loves a hug
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 By: lauren Cornwall  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  lauren Cornwall {Karma:154}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon Coolpix 5400
Categories Digital
At Work
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon  Coolpix 5400 Fixed Lens
Uploaded 10/30/2005 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1269 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City - 
Country - United States   United States
About first photo of many to come, i am eager to hear what people think, please be honest.
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 12/5/2005
A Boy...and His Dog!.....Excellent B&W Photograph.....Lauren!
Best Regards:

Thank you, Lauren!...for your Visit...and Comment!!!


lauren Cornwall   {K:154} 12/2/2005
thank you very much!


congrats for this candid shot

regards from spain


lauren Cornwall   {K:154} 11/20/2005
thank you for your comments i am striving to be the best photographer that i can because it is my passion i am saving right now to buy a photoshop program for my computer so i can fix some of my photos. i welcome all your comments i love to have critiques good or bad, and most importantly helpful! i dont really understand what why this photo has started a discussion but thank you for you helpful comments. i just wanted to point out to mr. coffey that i am not a mr. cornwall but a Ms. Cornwall or as i prefer laruen. i hope to hear more thanks again!


Rodney Steele   {K:1841} 11/14/2005
Lauren, your keen eye saw a wonderful moment which you quickly caught with the camera. I see a lot of tenderness. It seems the child is gently hugging the dog and there is no distress on the dog's expression. The dog's eyes are in focus and draw my attention. The scene in the kitchen adds to the sense of spontaneity. Please be encouraged to take more photos and to share them with us. Thanks, Rodney


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/14/2005
Paul ... Understood ... and Harry has a good point perhaps!
Lauren ... Keep Posting ... and Welcome to USEFILM!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/13/2005
Douglas, thanks for your comments... I may agree/disagree with you but I think this is a topic for the forum and not on Lauren's photo. If I upload a photo and it is selected for an award or gets a featured critique, I am not the one who selected the photo for an award. I guess the main thing is I don't want to take away from the photo that has got an award even if I may disagree with the selection. I think this is an issue to bring up to Usefilm and other members via the forum. I may agree that the critique did not actually match the photo but the critique from Ann is valuable in the larger context and I think beneficial and is worthy of the front page. The whole idea of the featured critique is to highlight a good critique of a photo. It does not mean that the photo receiving the critique is perfect or high quality.
Anyway, good discussion... I asked a question recently about the Featured Donor award in the forum as well. Ciao, and keep taking great photos.


H L H L   {K:11377} 11/13/2005
Hi Lauren! I like the capture! Both angle a good emotion. Despite the tech criticism which I greed! I am surprise seeing those honest helpful comments. Besides Gayle?s critic was what you ask for. I feel politics and favors are the bad residues. Glad for USEFILM trying to balance this! Please keep shooting:)
Best regards


Glen Converse   {K:2000} 11/13/2005
That is one beautiful Jack Russell Terrier


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 11/13/2005
Douglas I too thought it strange that this particular critique was posted and not the one pertaining to the image itself but I don't pick them. I read somewhere in the forum pages that these featured critiques are chosen by computer. Someone else has already put forth the question about why some people are featured more than others and suggested there mau be a bug in the "Featured Critique" choosing method. The reply was something to the effect that it has something to do with being generated by a computer.

Lauren did ask me personally about about waterfalls so I gave her the information she was looking for.

Lauren asked for serious help and both Gayle and I gave it to her.....AND she appreicated it. Paul's comments are encouraging her and I personally think it was very kind of him to take the time to view and comment on her image.

It's too bad that you are quite caught up in the competitive numbers side of this site otherwise you might enjoy the site and might even make some nice friends here.

Try to have a nice day anyway. :)

Cheers - Ann


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 11/13/2005
hahahaha...i know him and this is exactly what is this person's, shall we say,preference?...tho' i thought my critique was quite instructive AND was thanked for it.....the person is having some fun ;> you have something personally against me,Douglas? Perhaps sent by someone else?


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/13/2005
Dear Paul,

You have always been a fine Gent as far as I have known you and once again you are here also, but I have a serious problem with this image being on the front page for these reasons:

Mr. Cornwall only has seven images uploaded with mediocre value to say the most and only 28 Karma points going towards the critique of others including his own comments, therefore does he among thousands of members deserve 'Front Page Status'?

Ann's premiered 'Featured Critique' on the front page has absolutely nothing to do with this particular image itself whatsoever but speaks of waterfalls drawing attention to her own image(s) even though by lauren's reply previously.

My concern is NOT for me at all and you must surely realize that, but for all of the thousands upon thousands of Great Photographers who have gone unnoticed and have not received proper exposure, (pun definitely intended), that this Site has perhaps driven them away forever and that is what I bemoan more than anything else.

Best of Regards Paul as always!

P.S. Mr Cornwall ... This page may end up making you famous in some sort of way, so please strive to be the best photographer that you can possibly be and if I or anyone else can provide any assistance whatsoever ... then don't ever hesitate to ask as you have, but please spend some time touring the Highest Rated Images and try to learn from them instead of me at the least!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/13/2005
Dear Ann,

I believe your first critique to be the one which should have been featured on the front page today on your behalf because it deals with this particular image itself and is very constructive.

Best of Regards!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/13/2005
To Gayle:

I believe your critique to be most blunt and really not vey welcoming at all!

Nevertheless ... Best of Regards!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 11/13/2005
Dear Mr. Cornwall,

Please allow a somewhat lengthy diplomatic discussion begin on this image page of yours - Thanks in advance!

It is for sure just a descent snapshot image of something you cherish and I respect you for having posted it.

Thanks for sharing and Best of Regards!

P.S. Welcome to USEFILM!


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/13/2005
This is a great capture. Not all photos can be preplanned.. if they were, they would lose that special quality as in this photo. The expression of the dog is classic. Yes, there are some blown out areas of the photo... and yes, there is a trash can (which could be cloned out of the image). The point is to capture the moment. After a while, you will be able to compose the shot quickly in viewer and will even be able to adjust the exposure..But, some of the best photos I have seen were not technically perfect. Keep shooting what you see, the technical part will come but it is more important to be able to capture the moment.


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 11/4/2005
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique You should always use a tripod when taking photos of waterfalls. You will need a camera with manual settings so you can set a slow shutter speed to get the misty water effect. If you do have a camera with manual settings try a few different shutter speeds. Depending on the waterfall and available light I have found around 1/8 of a second to 1 second usually gives me a nice misty effect but that also depends on the distance I am from the water, the amount of water going over the falls and other factors that enter into the equation. It took me years to get my waterfalls misty and many missed shots. As a amtter of fact it was only recently that I took those waterfall shots and I got those with the help and advice of other people here.

Again my suggestion would be to set up your tripod and try to perfect your composition first. When you have found which focal length works best for you and which angle you think looks best to shoot your subject and what is in your actual frame then you can post it here for people to give advice on how to improve the technical aspect of your images.

I found it's always best to try to get the entire waterfall from top to bottom in the photo. A few times I've zoomed in thinking I'll get something artsy only to get home and see that my photos look like they have been cut off and I missed the top or bottom pool.

Of course each to their own but my preferred learning curve is to learn composition first then the technical side will happen all in good time.

Good luck. Ann :)


lauren Cornwall   {K:154} 11/4/2005
thank you very much for you help i am going follow all your suggestions, i have a very difficult time with composition often i see somehting adn get so excited about what i am about to take a picture of i forget about the background. I was looking at you photographs and i saw one entitled "South Falls" I love taking photo's of waterfalls, and will be going hopefully heading to Tahoe soon I was wondering how you go the water to look soft like a cloud?


Ann Nida Ann Nida   {K:45248} 11/4/2005
In my experience I found it helpful to work first on composing the photo then worry about exposure, lighting and the technical side of camera settings and numbers later. Half the battle will be done once you know what to look for to create and put together a nice image. Always look at what's in the background through your viewfinder. If there is an unsightly object such as the trash can that Gayle pointed out remove such things to unclutter the background. Look for harsh lighting and look to see if your subject is half in bright light and half in shade. A really good start would be to look at lots and lots of other people's photos. Look hard to see what you like and don't like about them. Ask that person how they achieved that result. Learn from the experience of others. That's what we all do. Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions. Cheers - Ann :)


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 11/2/2005
hi, welcome to UF and best of luck getting into your arts school....ready for a serious critique?
ok, remove the trashbin in background...the doggie is blownout or hot on the left side as viewed (his right side)...and you need a shallow dof (depth of field)to blur the BG areas...let me know if don't understand parts of what i have written....regards,gayle


lauren Cornwall   {K:154} 10/30/2005
thank you very much!


a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 10/30/2005
awwww..very nice photo :)


Eric titran   {K:-43} 10/30/2005
Charming. They are so cute.




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