Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/7/2006
Thanks very much Ian for looking at my pictures :) Best regards, Ina
Ian V
{K:1730} 1/7/2006
wow, that is spectacular.
anandaroop ghosh
{K:1787} 12/18/2005
Ina, wow! This is so dramatic. I love the contrast between the stillness of the hand and the explosive motion of the bird. Great work.
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 12/1/2005
Wow, what an experiment. I find the whites a little burnt out but the greens and blues are fantastic. An incredible bravado with the long exposure, congratulations: Gyuri
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/1/2005
Thanks again for both bird shots comments. I'm way behind with my replies, because I spend way too much time diddling in Photoshop. This photo shoot was a real treat, both for us and for the birds. I didn't know they were so picky - they only picked the sunflower seeds, everything else wasn't interesting. It was a magic experience to be surrounded and touched by these little flying chirping creatures.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/30/2005
Thanks Yahya :)
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 11/30/2005
wonderfull Ina, i have to reord though that i liked the original more. wonderfull slow shutter effect. well done.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/29/2005
Thank you very much AlZahraa :)
AlZahraa Sulie
{K:7255} 11/29/2005
wow Ina this is Miraculous ! love the colors, very well enhanced.
very creative capture!
{K:3974} 11/29/2005
excellent capture of motion. i like the the original one.very interesting
Aram Gharib
{K:4656} 11/28/2005
Grrrrrrrrreat! A movie in a single shot.
Very nice impression of flying away. The bird is somehow so present by its leaving...
Glad to see all these new shots...
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 11/28/2005
oh my god..this is really awsome work dear Ina...Love this serie..Very creative,artistic and beautiful work...Nicely done! Thanks for sharing!
Endre Novak
{K:12666} 11/28/2005
Great capture and superb PS work. Congrats daer friend! Very nice effect, strong momentum. Endre
Daniel S. Garcia
{K:13946} 11/28/2005
NICE, nice, Nice!!! WOW what an image you have captured!!! Awesome! Well done!
Brian Fillmore
{K:4016} 11/27/2005
Very captivating display of motion ,colours and thoughts
{K:2089} 11/27/2005
Wow!! i like the natural color version. i love the blurry effect. regards cytte
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/27/2005
Thanks again, Rina! It's one of those moments when the camera does the work for you :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 11/27/2005
WOW! Both this and the original are outstanding. Well done with this capture. Incredible motion!!!
Bob Walker
{K:1066} 11/27/2005
This is a very interesting image, Ina. Personally, I prefer the natural one. But, the altered one certainly has greater impact.
Best regards, Bob
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/27/2005
Thanks Laurie :)
Laurie McIntosh
{K:958} 11/27/2005
Excellent effect, but I think I'd prefer the original. Still, an amazing capture Ina.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/27/2005
Thanks Neal, it almost looks like a natural gas flame :)
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 11/27/2005
Amazing. They're faster than the speed of light and that's exactly the aspect of it you caught. Even the blue-green coloring gives it an electric spark feeling.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thanks for both comments, Gustavo :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thanks Wayne :)
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 11/26/2005
Impresionante la captura del movimiento. Felicitaciones!
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 11/26/2005
Very creative work, the blue/green blurry part is beautiful.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thanks Nigel, I will be back on Tuesday with my comments, have a great weekend! Ina
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 11/26/2005
Wonderful motion and colour, good to see the original to. Great photograph Nigel
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thanks Ann, it did look to me worth posting, although I usually prefer the sharp versions. I will be back on Tuesday with my comments, have a great weekend! Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thanks dear Robert, it was hard to choose between the blue/green and the natural version. I will be back on Tuesday with my comments, have a great weekend! Ina
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Thank you Sam! I didn't know which one to choose, the natural or the colorized version. I'm glad you like the colorized one. I'm usually OFF on weekends, but I will be back on Tuesday with my comments, have a great weekend! Ina
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/26/2005
Oh my Ina...you've outdone yourself. What wonderful movement in the wings here are like flipping through the pages of a book and the colours are stunning. Just gorgeous. A wonderful moment captured here yet again. Beautiful Image Ina.
Cheers - Ann :)
Lydia Dotto
{K:694} 11/26/2005
Very unusual picture. It showcases the essence of how difficult it can be to capture these critters. Makes the other, very clear macro shot of the chickadee even more impressive. I like the color change too -- although I admit that when I read your comment that this was "another chickadee" I was wondering where on earth you'd found a blue/green one. :-)
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 11/26/2005
Wooow! What a heavenly composition, I prefer modifyed version. More details with magnificent colours. A fantastic blurry image from you! Well done dear Ina! I love it! 7/7
Cheers! Robert
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 11/26/2005
Hi Ina,
I Love the Blurry image. The Re-colorsing makes the photo. Fantastic composition. Thanks for sharing. Kind Regards
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 11/26/2005
Here is the natural color version:
 Natural Color |