Photograph By Art McCaffrey
Art M.
Photograph By sreeradha  seth
sreeradha  s.
Photograph By Srna Stankovic
Srna S.
Photograph By Andre Denis
Andre D.
Photograph By Greg Sava
Greg S.
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Ian C.
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Michael B.
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Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
10/16/2018 12:44:29 PM

As a scenario the stage is big and the detailing looks great along with the greens and subdued ambers. Missing in this image are the reds and rusty tones but you can hardly move trees to complete a true Autumn scene. I do love the colours dancing in the water and a closer perspective must surely see you returning for another shoot. I do like it a lot but it whispers Autumn rather than jumps out at me shouting that it's Autumn. Hey, I'm not qualified to critique anyone and the bottom line is that it is a lovely capture of this vast scenario.
        Photo By: Paul Harrett  (K:791) Donor

Critique By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor  
9/8/2018 9:40:31 AM

Fresh and creative imagery here Ornella. I love that!!
You have composed your shot well and your frame is packed with details and very sharp. Great visual and initial impact. The colors are superb with excellent contrast.
Lighting and exposure are point on! The reflection is
a great added bonus. Great technique and high technical excellence. This is a winner!

Huge Congrats!


Paul E Brumit
        Photo By: Ornella Erminio  (K:4881)

Critique By: iiiii iiiii  (K:-283)  
3/1/2016 3:52:30 PM

Every time I log on and scroll through the newest images, I am hopeful that I will find something that really pleases me. This one knocks my socks off. It is sharp throughout. There is something to see in every area of light. The overall tonality is correct.
        Photo By: James Crotty  (K:2083) Donor

Critique By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor  
11/19/2015 8:08:20 AM

si el hombre sombra tenía los dos pies en el suelo yo no lo he visto en qué dirección caminaba, siniestro,
también les gusta el toque de azul,
muy bonitas alfonso,
saludos cordiales, arte,.

if the shaded man had both feet on the ground i would not have seen which way he was walking, sinister,
also like the touch of blue,
very nice alfons,
best regards, art,.
        Photo By: Alfons Rial  (K:7600) Donor

Critique By: Timothy Price  (K:2490)  
11/14/2015 8:21:11 AM

That's a great photo, Harry! It brings up all kinds of possibilities of what the photographer's intentions were. Whether simply a documentary, decisive moment, or purposely posed, it brings of thoughts of magic and sorcery — the child could well have turned whoever was sitting in that chair into the salt lying on the seat.
        Photo By: Wolf Zorrito  (K:78768) Donor

Critique By: ARIJIT GHOSH  (K:4387)  
10/27/2015 4:41:28 AM

Excellent projection of the light of the setting sun. It is the moment when the sunlight is soft and with our its heat. The flow of the light on the field is such that it seems like washing the field. Wonderful edit enhanced the dream like feel in the image.
        Photo By: Ayan Mukherjee  (K:7990)

Critique By: Ann  Nimarom  (K:320)  
10/2/2015 8:42:24 AM

I would like to thank everyone from for the award I got from this photo. Also thank you all of the members for taking their time giving me all the feedbacks and comments which make this website a meaningful place for photographers to share the love of their work. It's been a long time since the last time I was here and this is such a great come back to me. Thanks again everyone!
        Photo By: Ann  Nimarom  (K:320)

Critique By: iiiii iiiii  (K:-283)  
9/9/2015 1:59:25 PM

Fabulous view. Having this to look at is a rare treat. How you reduce it to a memorable image is the challenge. First image. I would crop out the closest foreground (the green bushes). Or move your viewpoint to exclude it. Next image. Look at cropping out ALL of the middle and concentrating on only the mountainous background.
        Photo By: Solmaz Pahlavanzadeh  (K:5141) Donor

Critique By: Aparajito Seth  (K:407)  
8/13/2015 9:41:21 AM

A most amazing capture.. Beautiful and truly moving. This is what the best photographers do.. They tell a story that rings, moves, and inspires.. Like this immensely touching work. Very, very proud, I am. Bar khash na.
        Photo By: sreeradha  seth  (K:1515)

Critique By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor  
7/26/2015 11:36:20 AM

i was just thinking about this mystery girl,
and if she ever had children and grandchildren
how wonderfull it would be to trace her and present her family with copies of all the images she was in,
is this not possible harry,
just me thinking, as i do when i view your family album,
all the best, art,.
        Photo By: Wolf Zorrito  (K:78768) Donor

Critique By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor  
7/11/2015 6:54:56 AM

congratulations ayan,
you surprise me my friend, i thought if you were going to do a B&W, the subject would have been a flower,
excellent subject for what i think is your first B&W upload,
love the ink black reflection and the bg work,
even though this deservedly got an award as it is, i would of so liked the bright spot darkened some more, it tends to catch my eye a little too much,
thats just me thinking outloud again ayan and i look forward to see more of these excellent B&W from you,

my best regards, art,
ps, welcome to the interesting world of B&W photography :)
        Photo By: Ayan Mukherjee  (K:7990)

Critique By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor  
7/1/2015 1:55:57 AM

Very nice work. I like the thoughtful composition
and colors. The dirty window works great to give a
nice artistic value to your portrait. Nicely exposure
with excellent use of lighting. Very well done and pleasure to view. Thanks for sharing....


        Photo By: siamak jafari  (K:20075) Donor

Critique By: Wieslaw Krajniak  (K:588)  
6/6/2015 10:29:50 AM

Ponownie dzięki za wpis. Zapraszam do zerkania pod wszystkie prace, moje również. ;)
Zgadzam się, no prawie w całości poza tą nauką.
Nigdzie na żadnym foto portalu nie poznasz prawdy o swoich pracach, to tylko real.
Również nie nauczysz się zbyt wiele o tym co to jest i czym jest fotografia, kopa czasu i też real.
56 lat wstecz naświetliłem i wywołałem samodzielnie swoją pierwszą odbitkę fotograficzną.
Dla czterolatka to była magia która pozostała we mnie do dziś.
O tym co to i czym jest fotografia zrozumiałem dopiero po ponad 20 latach.
Absolutnie nie przejmuję się barakiem wpisów itp. pod moimi pracami które uważam za wybitne.
Nie mam ich zbyt wiele (może kilkanaście spośród setek tysięcy) gdyż znam ich wartość.
Dziś mam dobry dzień więc polecam własne wpisy - sentencje i prace.
Masz racje, słowa są bardzo ważne ale obraz ważniejszy.
Słowa choć są piękne i bywają potęga milkną w ciszy. W żadnym języku świata nie istnieją słowa które potrafiłby zastąpić obraz.
Tylko fotografia na zawsze pozostanie obrazem myśli czasu i światła.
©1979 Autor - Wiesław Krajniak.

"No language of words can supplant a picture."

There are innumerable methods of communication in the universe;
One of them, here on earth, is through the use of words, uttered in various languages.

Sometimes I use words as pictures and vice versa, but the meaning is never identical, equivalent, parallel or freely interchangeable.
A picture can be described in detail, but no matter how many words are used, in whatever language, every man or woman will see it in a different way, depending on their own
perception and sensitivity, and within their own time and space.
In their minds they will create their own pictures which will never be the same as the perception expected to take hold through the description provided.
There are no words that would make every person see exactly the same picture.
"Words, though beautiful, fall quiet in silence. A photograph will remain a visual representation of the time of thoughts."
©1979 Autor - Wiesław Krajniak.

Jeśli zechcesz to przetłumacz. Koniec bajki ... teraz milknę.
        Photo By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf  (K:61374) Donor

Critique By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor  
5/27/2015 8:14:42 AM

nice one mesut, i see your stood in the shade of a tree,
maybe if you had moved your pov to include some over hang of branches, i think it would of enhanced the long distance shot, then again you proberbly thought of this and was not possible, just me thnking outloud my friend,
best regards, art,.
ps i also thought of the long and winding road, ha,.
        Photo By: Mesut Yılal  (K:7964) Donor

Critique By: Riny Koopman  (K:102911) Donor  
5/24/2015 11:20:02 PM

One of the things we're commonly taught about photographing macro shots is when you choose is to isolate(or not) your subject against it's background. I think for everyone this reason is different, and everyone should take this .... its a different story as a busy background can create too much conflict...

        Photo By: wathah wer  (K:1781)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
5/22/2015 11:32:41 PM

Great color and presentation. The silhouette of the trees provide wonderful color contrast. This would make a great framed photo for home or office. Congratulations on the best in project award. Darryl
        Photo By: Didem Bilgic  (K:581)

Critique By: Mesut Yılal  (K:7964) Donor  
5/21/2015 6:35:56 AM

Took me to somewhere and sometime that all Soberty.
There is Poem in Turkish so good : That is the only poem that without mentioning word of DEATH is written about death.
This photo is same.. Without death is full of death.. so emotional.. CONGRATULATIONS.
        Photo By: Paul Freeman  (K:35606) Donor

Critique By: Mesut Yılal  (K:7964) Donor  
5/20/2015 11:46:15 PM

I am worldless against the beauty of this PHOTO.
Such a perfect combination of composition,contrast, details , colors and clarity. It gives the sensation of freshness.It makes you feel younger :))
        Photo By: Ekrem ÖZLÜ  (K:-125)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
5/18/2015 12:40:57 PM

Great focus with fine details. The colors are crisp and the colors are complimentary. Very interesting point of view. Even the details of the fine "hair" on the stem are well captured. Congratulations on a wonderful photo. Darryl
        Photo By: Ayan Mukherjee  (K:7990)

Critique By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor  
5/3/2015 12:44:25 PM

beautiful scene ania, especially the reflective lake,
in my humble opinion i think i would prefer to see this lanscape in its own image,
and again one of the interesting structure,
making the very interesting about's more concise for each image,
otherwise this composition works well, like it,
my best regards, art :)
        Photo By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf  (K:61374) Donor

Critique By: Mesut Yılal  (K:7964) Donor  
4/24/2015 2:54:21 AM

I am sorry what happened in those days here in Canakkale Gallipoli .
For what those are killed for the name of imperializm
may be you know but I wanna send you this :
Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk.
"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives…
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours…
You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace, after having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well."
Ataturk, 1934
        Photo By: David McGill  (K:2796)

Critique By: Mesut Yılal  (K:7964) Donor  
4/8/2015 12:26:21 PM

you have wonderfull vision You know how to look around and you try to see the THINGS.The things that are small , may be stupid details for so many people.But you already understood that these small details are the base of the life and these small details provide the joy into life and these small details really create difference in you.
Keep on with good works. In attached A gift for you Regards
        Photo By: Barbara Socor  (K:13559) Donor

Critique By: ARIJIT GHOSH  (K:4387)  
4/2/2015 9:14:30 AM

Nice B&W wide angle capture with good depth of field. I would have liked it in a more sharp tone, I mean to say,distinctive black tone and distinctive white. I like the composition very much.
All the very best.
        Photo By: Paul Harrett  (K:791) Donor

Critique By: Linda Gálik  (K:1272)  
3/28/2015 1:15:58 AM

I think this is an extraordinary photo, great shot.
The only thing that keeps me wondering is that I don't know why the lights distract me, I keep looking above the subject, but there is nothing really to see there. I might've chosen a tight crop, maybe that's just me and it would be a different category, you were very lucky to capture such a great moment, the "lonely" musician who's playing even if there's nobody around. Love the tones here, excellent photo. Best regards.
        Photo By: Alfons Rial  (K:7600) Donor

Critique By: Paul Freeman  (K:35606) Donor  
3/27/2015 3:17:12 AM

Composition is good Riny but the very bright and beautiful light at the top left corner is competing for attention and because the brightest spot in the image is on the edge of the frame, I'm left wondering what is happening outside of the image.
The solution may be to mute the highlights (ever so slightly) at the edge of the frame.
Hope that helps
        Photo By: Riny Koopman  (K:102911) Donor

Critique By: Linda Gálik  (K:1272)  
3/24/2015 12:50:06 PM

Nice model for a fashion shoot. I might've used an edge light on the left to add more depth and eliminate the shadow on the background, and also some hair light if possible. The pose looks natural, and the environment is interesting. These are just some thoughts, hope you don't mind it, it's a good shot the way it is. Best regards.
        Photo By: Clay Boutin  (K:28722)

Critique By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor  
3/21/2015 9:21:41 AM

Nice one of the old gambling machine.
Excellent detail and tack sharp focus!
Good lighting and exposure. Pops nicely
against the dark background. Excellent story
telling ability and center of interest.


        Photo By: Clay Boutin  (K:28722)

Critique By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor  
3/20/2015 4:06:06 AM

Oh dear Art, you have the sense to make my thoughts going and my emotions captivating ... what a simple and brilliant work ... wow, so thought provoking and so thoughtful and full of emotions ... excellently done my so very dear Friend.
So glad I had an opportunity to meet your work on this site :)))
It is a pleasure and honor, indeed.
With my best wishes, hearty congrats on your so well deserved BIP :))
        Photo By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor

Critique By: Paul Freeman  (K:35606) Donor  
3/19/2015 2:41:56 AM

Same mother, same fence/bridge but a different mode of transport.
You're lucky to have such an elaborate collection of photos chronicling your mother's life. I have less than a handful of my mother and most were taken in her later years
Best wishes Harry
        Photo By: Wolf Zorrito  (K:78768) Donor

Critique By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor  
3/17/2015 2:06:49 AM

Beautiful capture with excellent visual and initial impact my friend. Great colors and color harmony with excellent saturation. Love the low perspective. Great thoughtful composition and excellent play on dof!
Great job Goran!

Warm Regards,

        Photo By: goran kulezic  (K:6787)

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