City - Yaqeta Village State - YASAWA ISLANDS Country - Fiji
"I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of..." Jesus (John 10:10 - paraphrased from the Message)
I can honestly say that the moments where life was better than I could have ever dreamed of, more real, and to the fullest, was when I was in the midst of serving God. It always amazes me how much he wants us to enjoy our lives, because that’s why he came… and it’s awesome how possible that is when we're follow his leading! This here was one of those times! These photos were taken in the village of Yaqeta in Fiji, which is one more place I now can call home, and the people, family. I got real close to these kids... and in this picture the one girl, Adelina, had written my name in the sand inside a heart... the Fijian version of my name is "Rejieli" and "Reji" for short (that’s what she wrote)! :) I love them all SO much and miss them like crazy! Can't wait until one day when I can go back home to them!
Beautiful about dear Rachel and beautiful images of Your loves...they have such beautiful smiles...I like your collages - the children look at You so happy and with such love !!! Excellent image my dear