I should have named the photo "before sunrise". The photo was taken about ten minutes before sunrise. There is point of interest though, the top of two trees is just visible in the mid right side of the photo :-) Thanks for your comment, I will use it :-)
Art, you are right, the site was down for a few days and yes, I had the same fears as you had. Good to know the site is back on line :-) best wishes, Harry
,. greetings harry, cant remember the last time you posted such an image, very smooth, as in light transition, like it,.,.,. a question for you harry, over the last two or three days I was not able to get imageopolis , even though internet was good,.,. did you have same problem ? ,.,. I honestly thought the site had crashed and gone forever, like last time, my heart sank :(
good to see it all and you, best wishes harry, art,.