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The Nonconformist
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Image Title:  The Nonconformist
Favorites: 9 
 By: Phillip Cohen  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer Phillip Cohen  Phillip Cohen {Karma:10561}
Project N/A Camera Model Mamiya RZ 67 Pro II
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Lens Mamiya 140mm
Uploaded 10/17/2002 Film / Memory Type Kodak E100SW
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 3757 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture F8
Critiques 22 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  Torrance
State -  CA
Country - United States   United States
About Another of my bottle series. Shot on film instead of digital.
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There are 22 Comments in 1 Pages
Kev  Isabeth Kev  Isabeth   {K:221} 1/19/2010
This is a lovely compostion the colours and shapes with black bacground work well.


derin deniz derin deniz   {K:3544} 1/21/2009
original shot


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 4/3/2008
absolutely beautiful !


Phillip  Minnis    Phillip  Minnis    {K:13131} 8/3/2006
Wow! Phillip, this is one stunning image!

What a great idea! I would never think to do something like this! Wonderful colours, striking composition! Top notch!

Congratulations on your EC award! Well deserved!




RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 4/28/2006
Absolutely beautiful work !!!!!!!!


Jara Parijayee    {K:4964} 11/29/2005
Let me express my gratitude for really SHARING what you do. I learnt a lot from the set up images of the bottles. Very few people actually care to offer this.


Rena Tsiflidou   {K:2606} 5/5/2003
this is great!


Rob Patrick   {K:2177} 4/13/2003
There is always a rebel in every crowd. Great idea and colour!


GJ Noni   {K:992} 2/7/2003
Nice photo,,,,,,,but--two corks are crooked,I gave it a 2.
(I am kidding :) Super photo Phillip! I can only dream.


Mark M   {K:33} 12/17/2002
This is superbly lit, Phillip. You've done a great job bringing out the shape and texture of the bottles.


Miles .   {K:896} 10/19/2002
Congrats. Your whole series of "coloured bottle" photos was great, bold, striking, colourful and imaginative and well lit and technically flawless. The Editors Choice was really well deserved. Congratulations again.


Beverly Gustafson   {K:1572} 10/18/2002
Beautiful! These appear to be glowing from the inside out. Congrats on the well deserved EC! ~Beverly


Dan Sanford   {K:300} 10/18/2002
Just absolutely beautiful work. I'm jealous.


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 10/17/2002
a Beauty Phil! love your entire bottle series as well...
congrats on the ec :)


Phillip Cohen Phillip Cohen   {K:10561} 10/17/2002
John, the fabric used as the background is standard black velvet from a fabric store. You buy it by the yard. It is a total black hole when it comes to sucking up the light. Only problem is that you need to keep it very clean, every speck of dust shows up on it if you are not careful.


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 10/17/2002
Phillip, thanks for setting up that VERY informative page. I how understand why my bottle efforts are lacking :) I have a LOT to learn. Great job on the photo AND on the teaching!


John Myers   {K:4308} 10/17/2002
amazing colors did you get the background such a deep black? just a really light-absorbing fabric or what?

great shot. congrats:)


Phillip Cohen Phillip Cohen   {K:10561} 10/17/2002
Mary Sue, thank you for the kind words. The main difference for the shooting speeds and apertures is that the film was rated at ISO 100 and the Digital was rated at ISO 320. Since I was basically shooting in the dark using strobes, the shutter speed had no effect, I just set it for the sync speed of the camera. In the case of the digital that was why I chose 1/90th. I had the lights on when using the film camera so I set it to a higher speed so the ambient light wouldn't effect the exposure.

As far as color, I only wish my cheap scanner could pick up the richness of the film. What you see doesn't do justice to the shots. I always prefer to put anything "real" or stuff that I consider something to keep, on film. Digital is fun because of the instant gratification, but doesn't seem real to me still. I think because it is too easy to delete, with film it sticks around forever.

Here is a page that I made showing the set up for the shot if you are interested.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 10/17/2002
Beautiful Phillip! Bold colours, interesting layout and awesome creativity! Congrats on EC.


Terrence Kent   {K:7023} 10/17/2002
all the work pays off eventually, hehe~


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 10/17/2002
Phillip, Phillip, Phillip. You are the bottle master. I've studied this and your other bottle photos, and want to say that I am green with envy.

Comparing these with the digital images you posted recently, I believe the film images have more richness and depth. Here is my technical question: you shot these film images at 1/250, F8, and the digitals at 1/90, F16. Do you attribute any differences in the richness of the film/digi images to these specs? Was the lighting different in the two? I don't want to ignite a film/digi debate, but I am interested in your impression as the photographer who shot these bottles.

Can you also tell me the approximate size of these bottles?

By the way, I am on the hunt for nice, bright, frosty bottles.

Congrats on the EC.


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 10/17/2002
Phil, congrats!!! This is technically supperb, but also very pleasing to view!!!

Well worth the EC!

Inspirational work :-)




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