Shoot Mike
{K:3255} 1/5/2006
I have looked all through your profolio and I think you need to look really hard at modeling for a living. You look very comfortable in front of the camera.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 12/8/2005
perfetta: č in questo caso hai fatto lavorare al meglio la macchina, il rumore digitale č praticamente assente... bella l'illuminazione del volto, che lo fa risaltare senza perņ oscurare troppo il resto della foto 7/7 una delle tue migliori
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 12/8/2005
Wonderful shot naomi .. Nice tones and contrasts .. Nice pose ..
Best regards, aLi
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/8/2005
Nice pose and lots of attitude, Naomi!
;o;o ;o;o;o
{K:4} 12/7/2005
it's ELEgance with PAssION missing; a wine glass in your hand lol nice lighting
Tom Nguyen
{K:1924} 12/7/2005
It's cool!
Brian Fillmore
{K:4016} 12/7/2005
Yes, but it looks like a nice attitude you have.