Ann Nida
{K:45248} 12/22/2005
Hello Yoshiyuki, Yes I am doing tutorials (when time allows) but I've always used Photoshop for many years since the very first version ever came out. All I did was upgrade to the latest CS2 version from the previous one so I'm learning the newest features. I don't use a lot of Photoshop in my images but I like to keep up with the latest versions in case I ever want to go back to Graphic Design. I had a business in Australia years ago. It's always handy to keep up with the knowledge but harder as we get older.
We are getting much rain here in Oregon but hopefully it will stop for long enough to enjoy at least Christmas Day without getting flooded. I hope your weather is being kinder and it's not too cold there.
Cheers to you and Gabriela - Ann :)
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/22/2005
Thank you, Ann, for your comments! My wife tells me that you've bought a PS professional and are studying it very hard. Don't forget to enjoy the holidays! Thank you for the wishes, same to you! YT
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 12/21/2005
A wonderful night shot Yoshiyuki. I hope when I am ready to delve into night photography I can do half as well as this. You have achieved great control over your lighting. The ferris wheel looks superb and adds a fun colour. I love the reflection in the water too. A truly great image and a pleasure to view.
Seasons wishes to you and your family
Cheers - Ann :)
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/21/2005
Thank you for the comments and encouragement, Dear Ina! Your visit is always much appreciated. YT
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/21/2005
Thank you for the visit, Morad! Regards, YT
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/21/2005
Thank you for the visit, Roberto! Regards, YT
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 12/19/2005
Superb night shot, Yoshiyuki, awesome lights and reflections, great clarity and detail! Perfect for a postcard! Best regards, Ina
Matt Mitchel
{K:3149} 12/19/2005
Nice shot, I think it would have been moe dramatic if longer exposure was use to blur out the Ferris Wheel.
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 12/19/2005
bellissima ripresa notturna, ottima esposizione e colore!!!