Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 1/3/2006
Thanks for your nice comment. Chuck Freeman
Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 1/3/2006
Very nice moment! great photography ! Regards from Brazil!
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/27/2005
Thank You for kind remarks. Chuck
Warren Tang
{K:413} 12/27/2005
Thanks for posting the original. I see what you did now, great job on the restoration.
My personal preference is for the B&W look of the original picture vs. the toned version. Also, some of the original reflection from the side of the car was lost due to the increased contrast/darkening of the restored version. It might have been interesting to see (more clearly) the surrounding area from the reflection off the car. The cleaner look of the restored version is less distracting though.
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/27/2005
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 12/27/2005
Thanks for valuable comment. People were different back then. AND people are so different NOW.
György Szönyi
{K:10011} 12/27/2005
A good find and a fine vintage, Chuck. Such pictures can inspire your studies of the old masters. Happy new year: György
Warren Tang
{K:413} 12/27/2005
Hi Chuck, without the original, unrestored version, it's a little hard to comment on whatever influence that you had on this image. Can you post the original in a reply comment? Other than that, it looks like a nice, sepia toned vintage snapshot. Was the picture originally pure B&W?
I often like to take pictures of my wife standing next to one of our vehicles while out on a road trip. This picture makes me think of all those photos of this type that have been taken over the years by countless photographers :).