pertti jukkara
{K:1720} 3/12/2006
great compo with such good details.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 1/11/2006
Thanks Todd, I went to the bookstore today and bought Sibley's!!! Better put it in the car! Take care my friend! Darlene
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 1/9/2006
Hi Darlene,
Confirmed it today. These are Red-shouldered Hawks. The Sibley Guide lists three different sub-species, one of which is a Florida variety that has those distinct bars and a lighter coloring on the head and back. Had you one of these books in the field, I am sure you would have been able to identify them yourself.
Kenneth Roine
{K:3538} 1/9/2006
Nice. When are we going to see photos from Runie? Ken
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 1/8/2006
Thanks so much Todd, my bird book does not have that much information but I am so glad you let me know as I will be looking very carefully next time. I hope to get back out to Lake Martin soon......like maybe this afternoon! I really do appreciate the details of these guys (and I will get another bird book!) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Take care my friend! Darlene
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 1/8/2006
Hi Darlene,
I am 95% sure that this is a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks. The photo is excellent for ID purposes as it shows the front of one bird and the back of the other. Birds are starting to pair up for spring mating. Some species nest earlier than others.
What makes me sure they are not Red-tailed Hawks is the markings on the breast and the tail. Both species of birds have highly variable markings, but these show no traits at all of the Red-tailed.
The markings on the chest are the most telling. Red-shouldered Hawks will exhibit those tight, horizontal, rufous-colored bars. As well, there is some rufous coloring on the shoulders. The heavy motling on the back is another trait of the Red-shouldered, although Red-tailed Hawks will show some as well, but usually in a V pattern. The tail also has dark barring with narrow white stripes, common in Red-shouldered Hawks and never seen on Red-tailed Hawks.
The other factor to consider is the habitat. Red-tailed Hawks like open fields with tall trees, whereas Red-shouldered Hawks are found in "moist, mixed woodlands, often near water".
That being said, my main bird bible (The Sibley Guide, highly recommended) was forgotten at work this weekend, so I would like to check it as well. There is a very slim chance these are Broad-winged Hawks, but I doubt it very much.
Hope this helps.
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 1/7/2006
Thanks Todd, I'll be waiting for the answer! I saw quite a few of these yesterday at the Lake and I looked in my trusty bird book and these guys didn't look like any of the others. PLEASE let me know and thanks for the info......I'll change the title to "Waiting to hear from Todd!" Take care my friend. Darlene
Todd Weeks
{K:7636} 1/7/2006
Hi Darlene,
This is an excellent shot, Darlene! The image is so sharp and clear, the pose excellent, and the composition is superb.
I'm going to take the time to ID these birds for you, but I can tell you right now that they are definitely NOT Red-tailed Hawks.
I will get back to you ASAP.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/7/2006
I think I want to take his place :) Another great catch... and you were in good company.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 1/7/2006
You are always lucky and seem to find pairs. Great shot of the two, they are defenitely watching you. Alison
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 1/7/2006
Beautiful twosome Darlene! When I was out this afternoon I saw a huge one! He wouldn't let me get anywhere near him. Just kept circling up high. Andre
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/7/2006
and fine view.. the texture with the trees is fantasic so a perfect camouflage and great couple captured!!! flight in my favs.. ciao roby 7
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 1/7/2006
Aw Darlene, great minds. I shot some pictures of one real high in the tree today, but the wind was blowing about 50mph so they were a bit blurred. Great shot! Pat
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 1/7/2006
Incredible photo- I love trying to photograph them, but am seldom successful! The colors and focus here are extraordinary! Very well done!
Dave Holland
{K:13074} 1/6/2006
Another fine image, Darlene. These look younger than the typical red tailed hawks we see north of the 49th.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/6/2006
Wow, beautiful capture, and two at a time! Great to see you're introducing Runie to the outdoors and wildlife, not to mention photography, Darlene. Dave.
Rick Page
{K:5242} 1/6/2006
I have seen these birds at a distance while bicycling here in Ky.This photo with it's perfect detail of these birds gives me a chance to see how beautiful they really are...I enjoy looking at all your bird photos.....Peace.....Rick
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/6/2006
Exclente composición de estas dos aves, tan concentradas!!!. Muy acertado el desenfoque del fondo!!!. Felicitaciones!!!